View Full Version : Seminar on Coastal Sharks of NJ, Dr. Keith Dunton, 8/2 @ 6:30 PM

07-13-2021, 01:36 PM
The next seminar as a part of our Marine Extension Program Seminar Series (MEPSS) through Rutgers Cooperative Extension will be held on Monday, August 2 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.

The featured speaker will be Dr. Keith Dunton (Associate Professor) from Monmouth University (https://www.monmouth.edu/directory/profiles/keith-j-dunton/).

Dr. Dunton will deliver a presentation entitled:

"Biology of Prohibited Coastal Sharks of New Jersey"

This will be a free Zoom webinar open to all who are interested.

Please register by July 30 by completing the following registration form: http://go.rutgers.edu/eatjnrfn

Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who you think might be interested, and to contact Kelly Jurgensen (kjurgensen@co.ocean.nj.us) or myself if you have any questions.

MEPSS website: https://ocean.njaes.rutgers.edu/marine/MEPSS.html