View Full Version : SHBA 2021 Tourney is in the Books!

07-12-2021, 10:20 AM
I wanted to thank everyone for sponsoring & participating in our event this past weekend! We had 70 total boats entered. Saturday's weather got better as the day went on and Sunday's was less than desirable but safely fishable for those who ventured out.

Here is a list of the winners!

1st place 7.11 Dan Nykyforuk
2nd place & Saturday leader bonus 6.82 Joe Riley
3rd place 6.02 Bill DiStaso
4th place 5.99 Matthew L.
5th place 5.74 Dennis N.
6th place 5.40 Ryback
7th place 4.95 Brian Farmer
8th place & Lady Angler winner 4.64 Jenny Snyder

I hope a good time was had by all and we look forward to running our 40th Annual Tourney next year for 2022. We want to keep it up!

Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1788231091494927/?ref=share)