View Full Version : Debris and slack tide

06-30-2021, 12:06 AM
I know this isn't a fishing report but can anyone tell why all this debris shows up on the surface during slack tide. Does it happen to be there all the time but the tide is pushing it so we don't noticed it or are there other reason. Thanks in advance and tight lines.

Capt. Debbie
06-30-2021, 09:48 AM
When you get extra high tides from the moon and easterly stronger winds creating a surge- things beached begin to take to the water once again. Some things will waterlog and begin to sink forever.

The super high tides kind of clean the beaches off. And flushes much out to Davie Jones's Locker. Plastics and other man made crap just stay afloat until beached again.

Around here our sewage treatment plants have anti-gag bypasses in extreme rains. Meaning the sewers bypass the sewage treatment screening process and head into the tidal waters. But lately heavy rain is not an issue.

Obviously there is more. But that's how 90% end up floating by in water appears to be a mini gulf stream of scummy trash.

06-30-2021, 11:17 AM
I can recall several times over the years in Raritan Bay seeing 10-15 foot long logs as big or bigger around than a full grown man and studded with what looked like 10 inch spikes "floating" 3/4 submerged among those garbage lines in the bay.. Not sure what they were, maybe pieces of docks, but was sick at the thought of what would happen to a boat, ANY boat, that hit one at planing speed. To this day, I keep a very sharp eye on the water when out in the Sandy Hook /Raritan system.. Some of the floaters I have seen out there were awe inspiring.. Never saw a body, but it would not surprise me in the least!... Other times,other tides, clean and clear as anyone could imagine.. bob

Irish Jigger
06-30-2021, 01:21 PM
Great topic!! If you just take a look at what's on the break wall in Atlantic Highlands, the full moon high tides cause 80% of what's piled up to be all over the bay. Dock boards, pilings etc... We all have to be extra cautious during and after that moon phase for a few days.