View Full Version : Caught an unexpected surprise tonight

No Bananas
06-18-2021, 10:44 PM
Tonight I was supposed to be out for striper, but there was an unexpected change in plans as I had to put my buddy of almost 15 years down yesterday.

So take my wife's mind off things we took a long drive today and ended up having cocktails and dinner at Bahr's Landing this evening. As we were leaving the bar, I saw a gentlemen wearing a njfishing.com shirt.

Naturally, I had to stop and say hello. I was surprised that I was actually introducing myself to Gerry! We had a real nice chat that lifted my spirits after a very sad 24 hours.

Gerry Zagorski
06-19-2021, 07:54 AM
Nice to meet you Adam and sorry again about your Pup...

Always fun meeting fellow NJFers so thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. Hope you get your Striper itch scratched soon..