View Full Version : Shark River Monday

05-24-2021, 04:49 PM
After a horrible start on Saturday, loads of schmutz (grass and other crap) in the water. Picked some up on my intake and overheated, cut our morning very short.

Got back out this morning at the start of the outgoing. Water 60 Degrees, much less crap in the water. Two of us picked through many shorts to find 4 keepers in 2 1/2 hours. All keepers 19 -21 inches, with some quality 17+ thrown back. I think these fish know when to stop growing in length and just add some width and thickness.

East wind with outgoing provided us with a fast drift going from the Belmar wall to Avon in less than 5 minutes. All in all a successful couple of hours.

05-24-2021, 10:14 PM
Gotta love that early season Shark River action!

05-25-2021, 01:59 PM
Drifted the same river in the Kayak in the morning outgoing tide as well. Wind was kicking a little making staying in the right spot tough. You moved out of the channel and slimmey crap covered the bucktail and teaser. 2 shorts (probably about 15-16 inches) on the teaser (chartreuse tipped with a killie). Few other bites, seemed to be mouthing it and not aggressive. Water at low was warm, hanging the feet in the water. Felt good mentally splashing the Kayak for the first trip!

Capt. Debbie
05-26-2021, 09:32 AM
The outgoing there is drastically warmer especially west of the 35 Bridge b/c its some damn shallow on a mud bottom. Back back river near Shark River Hills it would be a comfortable shower in the summer if it weren't so dirty.

That place could be a paradise if it were deeper. Instead when the Ocean boils its a crappie place to be stuck staying inside.

I ran charters out of there for years from SRH and then in Belmar. Learned sea robins will attack naked gold hooks in there. That kind of fishing. LOL

Drifted the same river in the Kayak in the morning outgoing tide as well. Wind was kicking a little making staying in the right spot tough. You moved out of the channel and slimmey crap covered the bucktail and teaser. 2 shorts (probably about 15-16 inches) on the teaser (chartreuse tipped with a killie). Few other bites, seemed to be mouthing it and not aggressive. Water at low was warm, hanging the feet in the water. Felt good mentally splashing the Kayak for the first trip!