View Full Version : FISHERMEN/ Another Beautiful Day! Sundays Fishing Report

05-16-2021, 04:30 PM
Another nice day on the Ocean with an awesome crew of customers!

Started out with a nice drift picking away on the Sea Bass, ling & Whiting. We actually caught 8 species of fish today including Striped Bass, Tog, Ling, Whiting, Cunner, Winter Flounder, Sea Pout and Silver eel. The Winter Flounder caught by a young man fishing with his dad actually beat out all the ling & Sea Bass for the Big fish pool of the day!

Had to Anchor mid day as the drift got a little fast but we still managed to pick away. Everyone went home with dinner.

As I blew three to come home, one of the guys hooked into and landed an awesome Striped bass that made 44 inches. The fact that he caught it was all that mattered to this guy. After a quick pic, he tossed it back with a smile......Nice job Brother!

Weather looks great all week for change, come on down while they are biting.

My Fluke opener may be put on hold for a week until the water warms up & some fish show in the Ocean. I just went through a Month of catching Squat, I'm certainly not going to Leave fish to look for fish because that's what the calendar says!!

I will Fluke fish, when it's time to Fluke fish, not just because I can......

Capt. Ron

05-16-2021, 04:31 PM