Pennsy Guy
05-04-2021, 10:53 PM
Getting free or paying 5/10 cents for 2-3 fish heads or racks to crab-late 40's. Throw em' out 20' from shore, then wait for the line to start moving out. ..pull it in SLOWLY & with a long-handled net, scooping--hopefully we got em. We, as kids, always released all at end of crabbing. Satisfaction was in the catching...Now the best crab meat comes in a 1# can...:eek: First ocean PB trip with my father, 1943-44 out of AC(hometown) inlet-I was 6-7yd. One guy asked if we might get torpedoed by a U-boat, goin out a mile. Another guy got seasick but caught a fish every time he heaved/let his line down. Another said he was chumming... Asked my father if maybe we should chum....that got a laugh but he was the only one to catch!!!
Caught my first fluke about the same time in the back bay in Margate--maybe 10-12", no cooler, put it under a scrub bush, couldn't find it at end of day, another guy took it...SOB.
Subscribed to the Saltwater Fisherman as a kid, remember when the Bill Upperman Bucktail made the scene and that huge stripper was landed at an inlet jetty at start of Nor'easter for the record.
Got talked into buying a split-bamboo surf pole and boat pole with a Beachcomber(made by Linnell Train Corp) surf spinner reel and one I can't remember the make of for the boat pole...damn, wish I had them now!!!!
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Caught my first fluke about the same time in the back bay in Margate--maybe 10-12", no cooler, put it under a scrub bush, couldn't find it at end of day, another guy took it...SOB.
Subscribed to the Saltwater Fisherman as a kid, remember when the Bill Upperman Bucktail made the scene and that huge stripper was landed at an inlet jetty at start of Nor'easter for the record.
Got talked into buying a split-bamboo surf pole and boat pole with a Beachcomber(made by Linnell Train Corp) surf spinner reel and one I can't remember the make of for the boat pole...damn, wish I had them now!!!!
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