View Full Version : Slabfest with some bruiser LM! 5/2

05-03-2021, 04:50 PM
Finally had time to launch the boat so I headed over to the Res. to look for whatever would bite. Crappie were the first thing that came to mind so I stocked up on plastics and Shiners from The Sporting Life. Headed to one side of the place first only to find it was the Dead Sea. Alright, time to make a move. Took the long ride to the opposite side and set up shop in 5-10 feet of water. First cast with the jig and I got slammed by a solid Bass around 3ish lbs. A little bit of time passed and bobbers start flying down and here we go, Crappie time. First 2 Crappie were a double header and they were super big and fat, solid 12-13 inchers to start. I keep at it and bobbers just won’t stop flying down so I changed all the rods over to bait just because I like when all the rods are going off at the same time. This is fun! I’m reeling in these fish and start getting into Crappie over 14 inches with biggest one being 15.2 inches and 2lbs. 8ozs. Holy moly what a Slab! Must’ve landed around 25 with all of them being over 12 inches. Other catches include a 5ish lb. BUCKETMOUTH and some cocktail Channels around 2-3 lbs. I went through 4 dozen Shiners by 1 in the afternoon. Kept a few smaller fish for the table. Insane action on the water, just insane. TIGHT LINEZ!!!:D

05-03-2021, 05:34 PM
Wtg!! Nice action!!

05-03-2021, 05:56 PM
Nice!!! 👍👍

Mikey topaz
05-03-2021, 06:07 PM
Piggies! Nice going fasty glad they played nice with you, 🤙🏻

05-03-2021, 07:07 PM
Those are slobs. Quantity plus quality

05-03-2021, 07:13 PM

ALS Mako
05-03-2021, 07:16 PM
Nice going eddie. Some true slabs there

05-03-2021, 08:22 PM
Nice Eddie! Those crappie are monsters!

05-04-2021, 12:58 PM
Great report - nice job!

05-04-2021, 01:17 PM
I like those crappie. I like them a lot...

05-04-2021, 01:41 PM
the width of those crappies, man. Great work :D

05-05-2021, 10:34 AM
and then the water temps jumped 10 degrees in 2 days hahaha wtf!?

slab crappies get me randy... nice job getting me randy bro ;)

05-05-2021, 02:13 PM
Nice ones!