View Full Version : Want to live on Sandy Hook ?

04-28-2021, 10:48 PM
Think of the surf fishing opportunities !!!:D

Plan For Private Apartments At Sandy Hook Moves Forward:

HIGHLANDS, NJ – Private apartment rentals at Sandy Hook are one step closer to becoming reality.

Last Friday April 23, the Fort Hancock 21st Century Advisory Committee released a "general agreement" to begin a pilot program to convert up to two buildings at Officers' Row into private apartment rentals.

Friday's agreement is a compromise between the area's local Congressman Rep. Frank Pallone, the National Park Service and the developer, Stillman Development International.

Last March, the National Park Service revealed it was in talks with Stillman, who wanted to convert all 21 existing buildings at the tip of Sandy Hook into residential apartments, and open a convenience/liquor store, as well.

Congressman Pallone (Democrat-NJ6), who represents this area, was vehemently against the plan and vowed to fight it.

Friday's agreement resulted in Stillman being allowed to move forward under a pilot that would allow one or two of the buildings to be turned into apartment rentals, with the ultimate goal of seeing whether larger development is feasible at the tip of Sandy Hook.

Matt Montekio, Pallone's district director, said the congressman would agree to that.

"The congressman would prefer if the Park Service started with a pilot program in one or two buildings," Monteiko told the advisory committee Friday, according to the Asbury Park Press.

The homes are known locally as "Officers' Row," pictured above. They are a collection of World War I and II-era officers' homes when Sandy Hook was Fort Hancock, the U.S. Army base. These are waterfront properties that are just steps away from the beach, bay and biking and walking trails, plus feature stunning views of the sunset over Sandy Hook Bay. There is also direct ferry service to New York City.

Sandy Hook is part of Gateway National Recreation Area and it is owned and maintained by the National Park Service.

04-29-2021, 08:45 AM
Wonder how much ole Frank got to change his mind.....:confused:

04-29-2021, 08:57 AM
Wonder how much ole Frank got to change his mind.....:confused:

It is NJ so I am sure it made his tail wag.

04-29-2021, 10:08 AM

04-29-2021, 11:21 AM
another perfect example of OVERDEVELOPMENT. not even federal public land is safe from private developers when money is involved. shameful. :mad:

04-29-2021, 11:22 AM
The same sad story plays out everywhere. One person or a small group with a definable and direct economic incentive(s) lobby the heck out of politicians at the public's vast but ultimately nebulous expense. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any solution to these types of situations other than to publicize it and vow to vote for the other person, whomever they may be.

Gerry Zagorski
04-29-2021, 11:33 AM
I dunno... Politics aside, why not take Sandy Hook and Fort Monmouth that are literally sitting there rotting and becoming eye sores and make good use out of them.. Yes there should be some of the land set aside for continued public access but make those areas thrive again and improve the local economy?

04-29-2021, 01:58 PM
I dunno... Politics aside, why not take Sandy Hook and Fort Monmouth that are literally sitting there rotting and becoming eye sores and make good use out of them.. Yes there should be some of the land set aside for continued public access but make those areas thrive again and improve the local economy?

Down the road I see McMansions, A gated community and don't even think about fishing on their beach!!

04-29-2021, 04:43 PM
This is the beginning of the end for Sandy Hook. Real estate developers have been salivating for decades trying to get a toe hold and now they have one. The real shame of it all in the slow starvation of the National Park Service which has been woefully underfunded for decades. There are millions upon millions of dollars in needed repairs and improvements in our National Parks that have been neglected by Washington and Officers Row is a prime example. Privatizing public property is a slippery slope. Only a matter of time until the private gated community of "The Dunes of Sandy Hook" or some other bullshit fancy name becomes a reality. Say goodbye to public access but rest assured, when the inevitable hurricane comes along they will be there with their hands out for our tax dollars to rebuild their private beaches.
Honestly I'd rather see those buildings demolished than made private residences.

Captain Rich
04-29-2021, 05:21 PM
How about the construction jobs and tax rateable properties it will create ?? Overdevelopment ??? It's right outside of NYC !!!

04-29-2021, 06:43 PM
I dunno... Politics aside, why not take Sandy Hook and Fort Monmouth that are literally sitting there rotting and becoming eye sores and make good use out of them.. Yes there should be some of the land set aside for continued public access but make those areas thrive again and improve the local economy?

A large majority of new construction developments are eye sores

04-29-2021, 07:01 PM
I dunno... Politics aside, why not take Sandy Hook and Fort Monmouth that are literally sitting there rotting and becoming eye sores and make good use out of them.. Yes there should be some of the land set aside for continued public access but make those areas thrive again and improve the local economy?

NOT politics.. Human nature.. Once that land is developed it will be the elite and a few "neo elite" types with more money than you can imagine that will live there. The public at large in VERY short order will become persona non grata.. To think otherwise is naive'.

I think this is a disgrace.. There needs to be more public access at the NJ shore,, certainly NOT less... They know only the very rich will be able to afford a condo right on the ocean and bay beaches... Does anyone really believe that stinky old shore based fishermen will be welcome???... please...... bob

04-29-2021, 10:52 PM
Fishguy1 nailed it. Gated community, then the beaches will get wiped out and tax payers will pay, it's like a broken record.

04-30-2021, 07:02 AM
How about the construction jobs and tax rateable properties it will create ?? Overdevelopment ??? It's right outside of NYC !!!

It's a Federal Park Rich......Who actually gets the Tax? Highlands, State of NJ, I doubt it.

04-30-2021, 07:03 AM
A large majority of new construction developments are eye sores

Been through Long Branch lately? Is the Ocean still there......:mad:

04-30-2021, 08:48 AM
There goes the nude beach. Now what am I going to do. And fishing, ha that will be the first to go.

04-30-2021, 01:00 PM
Living there would be nice and I am sure this is just the beginning. But my experience with that side of the hook is the wind and weather can get nasty often and its wide open! Not sure how that's going to fair with the new yuppie residents! Some call it progre$$ other it regress. I gues it depends on who's pockets are being lined. Tight lines!

04-30-2021, 01:25 PM
something tells me those that are saying this is a bad thing, would say that anything done, anywhere its done, by anyone, is a terrible thing that is ruining their lives and the lives of the past and the lives of the future...some people are just negative minded and feel the need to express their negativity in order to have other negative people agree with their negativity. this board seems to be filled with these folks recently and it makes me wonder if there is any happiness out there? Fluke is opening soon, let's go get our bucktails and gulp and go fishing!!!! (And put a smile on your face ffs)

04-30-2021, 01:59 PM
Think what you want.. IMHO, more clean beachfront going for luxury condos is NOT a good thing.
Another thought... Read your Bible. Building on the sand is the work of fools..

Other states are stopping or eliminating beachfront building, and NJ is encouraging it???..

Makes no sense to me..
You can only sink the foundations so deep... Sooner or later, a very angry sea will be lapping on those billion dollar walls,,, Might be 30 years after the residents are in place, or 3 days.. However it WILL happen... Who pays when the building are washed into the sea, or are simply destroyed in place needing a total rebuild?.
They WILL come begging the state, and the feds for help, and taxpayers will be asked to foot the bill -happens all the time.... Sorry, not seeing this as a great thing for the vast majority of NJ residents, just for a few of the well heeled that want to look out their front door into the ocean with the sun peeking over the horizon each morning... bob

04-30-2021, 02:21 PM
Yep , after I buy a spot there , next I’m going for rimrock view of the Grand Canyon .

They have been kicking around making housing there for 30 years .
It was always shot down because that area should remain for everyone’s use .

Knock the buildings down , and Jake the park even larger for everyone’s use not just a few

04-30-2021, 02:22 PM
I just don't understand why everything is a bad thing...just go fishing and be happy, life is good if you let it be!

04-30-2021, 02:54 PM
Makes no sense to me..
You can only sink the foundations so deep... Sooner or later, a very angry sea will be lapping on those billion dollar walls,,, Might be 30 years after the residents are in place, or 3 days.. However it WILL happen... Who pays when the building are washed into the sea, or are simply destroyed in place needing a total rebuild?.

The town of Montauk is struggling with this right now. The beachfront hotels and businesses are close to being gobbled up by the mighty Atlantic. They want funds from township, county, state and likely federal to aid in moving it all back, eliminating their existing septic systems and converting to proper sewer systems. Only a matter of time before the hotels/motels & businesses along the beach are no longer viable...

Luxury buildings on the Hook will only see the same fate. Leave it be. While the old decrepit buildings are just that, they are also historical. Let them diminish with history. Should they demo the Montauk Lighthouse and erect a luxury condo building? Nope...

I'm with you BB, its not a matter of negativity--look at the obvious optics.

04-30-2021, 03:31 PM
I am wondering if there is anything positive at all, even the slightest thing, about this development? Can anyone that's said that it is a bad offer any other point of view?

04-30-2021, 03:34 PM
I just don't understand why everything is a bad thing...

Not everything is a bad thing - bad things are bad things. Privatizing Sandy Hook would be a terrible thing.

Are you an interested party to this deal?

04-30-2021, 03:43 PM
lol not at all, i'm wondering why there is so many things folks on this board like to point out are bad, and that everything is absolute, it's either all good or all bad, yet they mostly point out negative things. It's really sad to be honest, everyone seems so unhappy. I want to spend most of my time looking at how things are good and discuss how to make bad things better. Seems like a big pity party to me and makes the entire board a negative Nancy refuge

04-30-2021, 04:23 PM
lol not at all, i'm wondering why there is so many things folks on this board like to point out are bad, and that everything is absolute, it's either all good or all bad, yet they mostly point out negative things. It's really sad to be honest, everyone seems so unhappy. I want to spend most of my time looking at how things are good and discuss how to make bad things better. Seems like a big pity party to me and makes the entire there board a negative Nancy refuge

Look I don't even live in NJ.. However I grew up there, and recall open space everywhere, and wonderful access to all the tidal rivers, to the ocean and bay beaches, salt marshes etc... It has become an absolute disaster, where its getting next to impossible to go walking along a bay or river a few hundred yards without trespassing... People living on top of one another, massive traffic all hours,, and you want MORE of this???... The last thing NJ needs is more development especially on land that borders tide water... bob

04-30-2021, 06:16 PM
I am wondering if there is anything positive at all, even the slightest thing, about this development? Can anyone that's said that it is a bad offer any other point of view?

It's a National Park. Letting people live in Officers Row may seem insignificant but what about condos in Yosemite Valley? McMansions on the rim of the Grand Canyon? How about a Waffle House right next to Old Faithful?
The whole point of the National Park system that Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir helped create was to prevent the inevitable ugliness of human kinds' intrusion into and development of the natural world. Everywhere people are allowed to they almost always make it a f***ing mess. Ask any old timer from just about anywhere on the planet and they'll surely say something about how it was less developed, less populated, less polluted and more naturally beautiful than it is now.
Those wise people had the foresight to create the model of a National Park system that has ben copied the world over, from Costa Rica to Africa to Australia. People understood the inherent value of unspoiled nature and the beauty of the natural world. To preserve it for future generations was a monumental achievement considering the Western Worlds mindset regarding nature. Something to be conquered, dominated and exploited. The National Parks are a treasure for everyone to be enjoyed for generations to come. Giving in to commercial interests, even in the tiniest way (like developers in Officers Row), invites the greed and wanton destruction of nature and natural places that we've seen the world over for hundreds of years. F*** that.

04-30-2021, 07:30 PM
lol not at all, i'm wondering why there is so many things folks on this board like to point out are bad, and that everything is absolute, it's either all good or all bad, yet they mostly point out negative things. It's really sad to be honest, everyone seems so unhappy. I want to spend most of my time looking at how things are good and discuss how to make bad things better. Seems like a big pity party to me and makes the entire board a negative Nancy refuge

pity party? good lord are you kidding me? sandy hook is the gem of the area! no pity party here - these are real concerns from intelligent people about PUBLIC LAND that soon (and for the right price) could become someone else's personal property where you and i are not welcome any more. that should imo (and certainly does!) make many people upset and lose faith in government. and rightfully so.
most of the responders on this thread, me included, i'm sure are happy folks and enjoy life. but sometimes ya gotta know when to take off the rose colored glasses.

Irish Jigger
04-30-2021, 07:56 PM
Good luck going to grab milk or some beer on a weekend lol. That's a 2 hour trip, or they will put up a Wawa.

04-30-2021, 09:37 PM
I want to spend most of my time looking at how things are good and discuss how to make bad things better.

Ok let me break it down for you:

National Parks - good.

Privatizing national parks - BAD.

How to make bad things better? Leave Sandy Hook the F alone.

05-01-2021, 12:54 AM
Good luck going to grab milk or some beer on a weekend lol. That's a 2 hour trip, or they will put up a Wawa.

That was the first thing that popped into my mind when I read it. Forget the whole privatizing public land, losing access etc etc.......2 hour beer run is totally unacceptable :D

05-01-2021, 06:38 AM
2 hour beer run is totally unacceptable :D

That’s why you buy in bulk 😁..........or even better get a kegerator 😁😁

Capt. Debbie
05-01-2021, 11:25 AM
Tear out those damn gun bunkers and put a strip mall in selling beer in the 7-11 next to the Starbucks

Governor's island has been going in that direction for two decades when the feds gave it away

Good luck going to grab milk or some beer on a weekend lol. That's a 2 hour trip, or they will put up a Wawa.

05-04-2021, 09:55 AM
this is how privatization of beaches started in Connecticut.. now there is very less beach space available to the public... Looks like they want to bring the same to NJ too...

Pennsy Guy
05-04-2021, 09:40 PM
I commiserate with everything that's being posted here BUT don't ya'll realize that local governments are, I think without reservation, out to enlarge their coffers as much as possible no matter the cost(any cost) or consequence to the environment---no matter the bullshit they spew to the contrary. The God-almighty dollar & re-election is tantamount in all their minds and on agendas, regardless of what they spout on/in the news. Anything to get the vote!!! Shake your hand and stab you in the back with the other hand, smiling all the time. GET USED TO IT, AIN'T GONNA CHANGE...Seen it happen all along the Jersey Coast since the '40's...more rapidly as the years advanced...Been in Pennsy for the second half of my life...thought about goin' back to the AC area couple times...but NO, state's too f**ked-up & gettin' worse...I could say more but.....
Oh, what was all the storm surge work done in Ventnor, Margate...how'd that work out?? Ya' know, I should take a ride down the shore to Absecon Island to see...I know there's a high-rise across Atlantic Ave. from my formative age home. It once was the "Luden Estate" (Luden Cough drops). Times do change.....

05-05-2021, 06:48 PM
Ok let me break it down for you:

National Parks - good.

Privatizing national parks - BAD.

How to make bad things better? Leave Sandy Hook the F alone.

'Nuff said!!!!!