View Full Version : Avery Lynn Last tog Trip yesterday...

04-28-2021, 11:19 AM
So got out a bit earlier yesterday for my last tog trip of the spring season. My buddies Dave & Dave...similar to Daryl and my other brother Daryl....headed out with me.
Set up on on the same spot with greens as last weekend and game on. Landed a few keepers right away...really nice fish up to 18 inches. Current started to run harder and bite died down. Made a move & not much life there...came back to our fist area on a ledge and started a pick in the south wind and rougher seas. My one buddy dave landed a nice 6lber and we finished the day strong with our 12 fish limit and threw a few others back to swim again. Plenty of shorts as well to keep the day fun.
Not quite an epic day...but close. And much nicer weather than togging on December 1st!