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View Full Version : FISHERMEN/ Striped Bass 2021

04-05-2021, 02:53 PM
Passed Coast Guard with flying colors so we are ready to fish!! First trip is Saturday April 10th fishing for Striped bass. Shads, Top water & Clams for bait if needed.

Spinning tackle will work best and don't forget to pack some circle hooks. Sailing 7:30Am till 2:30pm, Fare is $80 per person. Open boat, no reservations just come on down.

Myself, Joe, Joey & Rob are looking forward to a good 2021 season!

Capt. Ron

04-06-2021, 11:55 AM
Have a good 20212 Ron.
I sold house and boat in Florida.
I bought a house in Toms River.
I have to call you to get set up for fishing with ya.

04-06-2021, 01:14 PM
Have a good 20212 Ron.
I sold house and boat in Florida.
I bought a house in Toms River.
I have to call you to get set up for fishing with ya.

Willie....your back? Sold the boat & House? Mister, we gotta talk!!!:D