View Full Version : Oneida Super Spreader Weekend

03-01-2021, 09:52 PM
Scotty had booked a weekend up at Lake Oneida, NY for a njf ice-fishing get-together. Airbnb right on the lake. Squatch, Chrisper, Fonz, Eddie, Hookmanski, Nick, and I made it but unfortunately scotty himself couldnt make it! Big thanks to him for arranging the whole thing though.

Fishing action wasn't hot, but jumbo perch and walleye kept the two full days of ice fishing interesting. Walleye were averaging to the smaller side some hot dogs, some 14.9 inchers, and a few keepers a day. Friday a few guys got to the lake early, a few fish and interestingly a mudpuppy(?) on a tipup.
Monday the wind was so rough, and with checkout at noon, no one fished and slept in with a clean house left behind.
I happened to catch a perch that was 13 inches long and 12 inches-girth. Supposedly at least 2 lbs. Might be the heaviest perch I ever catch in my life. Fonz and Nick had the biggest walleye of the trip, nothing huge but nice sized 20+ inchers.

It was a great time with everyone! Great meals cooked and smiles all around. Some very hysterical moments lol. Plenty of pranks and jokes go around when the action is slow. I also learned how to fillet my first fish, yeeehaw! Eddie knocked it out of the park with the most amazing fried fish I ever ate. We need that batter recipe! I couldnt have spent a better weekend by myself. Im expecting more pictures to be posted, I dont have them all myself yet : )

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03-01-2021, 10:19 PM
Man I wish Scotty was there. He’s definitely a great dude to fish with. He will be out soon enough, that’s for sure. We had a great house thanks to him. Thank you ScowardNJ.

It was a great trip despite the full moon and constant pressure change and crazy winds out of every direction. Fish were caught, lessons were taught and learned I think! We went as hard as we could and it was slow from there to back home here in NJ this weekend. We picked and plucked at the fish the best we can and got some nice fish through the ice. Luke’s big Perch weighed about 2.34!lbs. according to one of those app things. Lol! The pics don’t lie! Sunday was are best day obviously and we pulled enough fish through the icy holes to make that fish fry happen and took home some fillets as well. Good times had by all with some awesome food and diehard crew. As for the crockpot ribs, I’m hoping the homeowner doesn’t leave them for us next time. LOL! I can make ribs on the grill way better then that........TIGHT LINEZ! FLAGGGGGG!!!!:D
My tip up Walleye on Friday night was no slacker Luke!

03-01-2021, 11:20 PM
Hmmmmm.... there seems to be a pic missing..... where is my special catch????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

bunker dunker
03-02-2021, 06:08 AM
congrats to all!!!! gotta love that lake.

03-02-2021, 08:17 AM
Hmmmmm.... there seems to be a pic missing..... where is my special catch????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

oooh you mean this one??? Yea this was chris's big catch :p



03-02-2021, 08:44 AM
What an awesome weekend it was with the crew! This was only my second time ever ice fishing, certainly wont be my last! Caught my first fish through the ice, my first Walleye, and then my first keeper walleye all thanks to the guys! Eddie was right, lessons were taught and learned and I soaked up a lot of information. Tricking everyone with the Burbot pic was way too funny:D Can't wait to do it again next year!!! :D

03-02-2021, 09:12 AM
Awesome report guys njfers on oneida. great pics and that burbot is cool as well leave it to chrisper to find a burbot in there :rolleyes: the fish dick pic is funny as well. You guys know how to have fun. well done.:cool:

03-02-2021, 10:36 AM
Tons of laughs, great eats, and as a bonus fish were caught. Luckily the weather was warm enough that allowed us to fish outside the shelters and use tip-ups.


I caught my first iced walleye that had some weird a$$ distended belly luckily I was able to also catch a few keepers and ran into an infestation of hotdog sized eyeballs and jumbo perch.


03-02-2021, 10:44 AM
The views out of the lake were absolutely amazing. On Friday we had the sunsetting in the west and moon rising in the east. The full moon was so bright it was like fishing in broad daylight.


Catch of the trip was what I thought was a small burbot until it grew legs and walked back to the hole. This demon looking thing gave me nightmares and looked like it was right out of stranger things.


Mikey topaz
03-02-2021, 05:57 PM
Damn looks like a fun time. These crew trips I look forward to all year I’ll make sure I’m on the next go around. Nice work my fellow homies👍🏻

03-02-2021, 06:11 PM
Those are some nice catches. Really fat perch. Congrats, looks like you guys had a blast. TD

03-03-2021, 10:52 AM
Man it was tough having to bail on this trip. Glad you guys got into them! Thanks for not burning down the rental house that was in my name! Haha

03-03-2021, 03:00 PM

Nice d!&k pic...that’s what I call fish porn

03-03-2021, 06:29 PM
A+ it took five min and some thought! Quality D pic, the hard way!😝

03-04-2021, 08:15 AM
a+ it took five min and some thought! Quality d pic, the hard way!😝


03-12-2021, 11:08 PM
Looks like an absolute blast! I'll definitely make sure to be there next year.