View Full Version : Fluke and SeaBass Comment Opportunity
02-17-2021, 09:24 AM
Keep trying to get your opinions heard. Silence is not an option. Your comments will be added to the record. Your concerns can’t be considered if they are not known.
Follow the prompts on the page.
02-17-2021, 09:36 AM
Here’s another bit of reference so you know what’s going on. Here’s the problem as I see it. All of the members represent their own states. What makes anyone think the delegations from Florida or Georgia or Maine or South Carolina care about fluke in NJ? They have to buy into our concerns in order for things to change.
02-17-2021, 05:44 PM
Perhaps because there might be an element of compromise Billfish 715. I recall when a northeast Congressman wanted a commuter railroad funded and a Congressman from the west wanted a dam repaired they would get together and it was 'I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine'. Maybe we can trade off some redfish votes for fluke votes. Wouldn't hurt for them to talk to each other!
02-18-2021, 02:45 PM
Meeting tonight for NJ
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Thursday, February 18
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
New Jersey Joseph Cimino (NJ), 609-748-2063
Public Hearing Resources for:
Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Commercial/Recreational Allocation
To register for a public hearing please click here: Public Hearing Registration
to attend from the dropdown menu. Hearings will be held via GoToWebinar, which can be accessed using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. When connecting to audio, we strongly encourage participants to use
computer voice over internet (VoIP) so you can ask questions and provide input. To attend the webinar in listen only mode, dial 1-877-309-2074 and enter access code 128-060-916. Those joining by phone only will be limited
to listening to the presentation and will not be able to provide input.
If you are connected only by phone in listen only mode, you will not show up as a webinar attendee. In the event that there are no webinar attendees, the public hearing will be cancelled unless state staff request that the
hearing content is presented.
Tips for Providing Public Comment
We value your input. To be most effective, we request that your comment include specific details as to why you
support or oppose a particular alternative. Specifically, please address the following:
• Which proposed alternative(s) do you support, and which do you oppose?
• Why do you support or oppose the alternative(s)?
• Is there any additional information you think should be considered?
For additional information and updates, please visit:
Amendment for Public Comment
Recorded video presentation on the action:
Public Hearing Document:
Summary of Management Options:
More information on [species]:
More information on providing public comment:
The full Draft Amendment:
For questions or more information on this action, contact: Dustin Leaning
( or Savannah Lewis (
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