View Full Version : Open Recruitment for New Members

01-27-2021, 07:11 PM
The Sandy Hook Bay Anglers Need You!

The Sandy Hook Bay Anglers based out of Atlantic Highlands, typically hold our monthly meetings on the Second Friday of every month. Due to COVID, we have been meeting at local eating establishments until our normal meeting location is once again available. We are happy to support the local economy this way. At meetings, we discuss multiple items concerning local and statewide fishing as well as our own experiences to share tips and tricks. Dues are minimal and cover the various expenses of the club.

Overall, the club does not require a huge time commitment at all. A majority of us own our own boats though that is not a requirement. Many of us would be happy to share expenses and take fellow members out fishing anytime! As the club grows again, we would like to go expand into new events and engage with the community more actively. Our 2021 Goals are to bring our club back stronger than ever and resume our very successful annual Fluke Tournament.

This tournament is our biggest event of the calendar year for our club. We have tentative dates set for July 2021 and plan to make a formal announcement in the very near future. **Tentatively set for July 10th & 11th** This 2 Day event in July offers us the time to meet and converse with other anglers in the region we may not normally have a chance to connect with. We are ALL looking forward to holding our tournament once again this year. I know many active members & local fisherman enjoy our event yearly.
We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Tight Lines to all!

Simply the desire to do a little good, enjoyment & love of fishing is all thats required.

If you have any questions, feel free to email:


Bill DiStaso

shrimpman steve
01-27-2021, 07:44 PM
If I still lived up north, I’d be a member.

But then again, I would never join a club that would have me as a member:D

01-27-2021, 09:10 PM

02-06-2021, 08:55 PM
For anyone interested, we will be meeting Wednesday February 17th at 730. Will be sitting down to have some dinner at a local diner. Needed to be an off-night. Please PM me for info if you would like to attend. I need to give a count beforehand...



02-15-2021, 08:31 AM
We are having our meeting WEDNESDAY evening at 730 PM. Please email or PM me for details if you are interested in joining the club and attending tomorrow.

Thank you.


Bill DiStaso

02-18-2021, 12:04 PM
Wanted to thank those whom attended for dropping by and contributing. We look forward to bringing our 39th Annual Fluke tourney to everyone once again this year!
For those interested, our next meeting will be Wednesday March 10th.

I personally cant wait for this weather to be over with!!

03-01-2021, 08:16 AM
Our next scheduled Meeting is March 10th @ 7pm at the TOWN AND COUNTRY DINER IN KEYPORT. Please email me if you are interested in attending and joining.

