12-08-2020, 09:56 AM
was invited by Stevie to fish with Rotten Ronnie & Eric B on the Rock Bottom today. Started out with decent life i had 4 keepers & 6 shorts by 10:25 & thought we would def scrap a catch together. Well around 10:45 someone flipped a switch & the wind never lied down as predicted just got stronger, seas went to ouchie & the togs stopped eating. Ronnie & Eric worked their a$$es off for us tried different depths & bottoms the fish just would not eat, even the dogs slowed up, we only wound up with 12 keepers but it certainly was not for alck of effort. We also had a wood working tutorial with captain ronnie who builds birdhouses in his spare time :) If you get a chance to jump out with rock bottom do it, the effort they put forth is second to none