View Full Version : Stellar Walleye fishing Black Friday! 11/27

11-29-2020, 07:47 PM
Fisher a little Thanksgiving morning looking for the Trout. South Branch was up on the north end so I headed down river below a dam. Much better conditions here. Managed to crack a Brown and a Rainbow before the water started getting dirtier and dirtier by the minute.
Black Walleye Friday! Met up with Mikey and Rob for some jigging. Walleye was the target. The Walleye were caught! The action was great with shorts and keepers as I landed one after another pretty much all morning. Within a 1 hour span I had a 23.50, 24.50 and 25 incher come to net. Next drop hooked another 24-25 inch fish but it popped off when I went to the net. Oh well, let’s just keep on jigging. Kept at it and the action slowed with a keeper here and some shorts there. By 3 pm I was the only one left on the water. I had a number in my head I wanted to hit, 20 Walleye! I was stuck at 16 fish when the crew left and the day ended like this. Fish number 17, short, fish 18, keeper, fish 19, short, fish 20, KEEPER! Once I hit 20 I had enough and headed back to the barn. Great day on the water as everyone caught fish and we pretty much owned the water we were in the entire day. Good times!!!
Bros for life.....
Saturday didn’t feel like doing much. Walked the D&R canal and set up some Catfish rods. They were not available on the blustery Saturday. Not sure why but I might give it another shot when I’m pressed for time. Did manage to land 1 measly Yellow Perch on a double shiner surprise. I really don’t know how this fish fit 2 large Shiners in its mouth.

Sunday Funday! Not much time as it’s my daughters bday. My Kaylee has turned 16! Happy Birthday to my favorite girl. She headed out with some friends for the afternoon so I bolted to the closest Walleye water I could, Monkswoodvilletunk Res. On the water by 1 with bluebird skies and a full moon. This should suck really good, HAHA!!! It wasn’t that sucky. Worked the blades down the mountains and hooked a short. Moved down a bit and hooked a keeper at 19 inches, nice and plump I might add. Moved down the mountain again. Hooked another keeper that came off right next to the boat. Satisfied with the short trip I headed home early to be with the family. There could’ve been more fish caught for sure but we won’t know til next time! TIGHT LINEZ!!! Stay safe brothers! :D

11-29-2020, 08:11 PM
Nice eyes 👍👍

11-29-2020, 08:29 PM
Monksville today.....

11-29-2020, 09:05 PM
Great walleye action! Saturday was a tough weather day for sure, lmk when you're back at the canal and Ill join in :D

Mikey topaz
11-30-2020, 07:57 AM
One of the warmest fall days jiggin for eyes I can remember. Good day on the water with plenty of action for me just no keepers, grrrrrr

11-30-2020, 12:57 PM
Awesome mixed bag. Thats some phenomenal walleye fishing!!!

ALS Mako
12-01-2020, 06:02 PM
You are the man! Not many people can say they caught 20 eyes in one day in jersey. Atta boy. Might have to take the yak out and try to join the club.

12-02-2020, 07:58 PM
You are the man! Not many people can say they caught 20 eyes in one day in jersey. Atta boy. Might have to take the yak out and try to join the club.

I have a spot for you on the boat when the weather is cooperative. Stay tuned my friend and thank you! I will shoot you a text and give you some notice.

12-03-2020, 09:00 AM
So many eyes and nice trout too! Way to go Eddie :D

12-03-2020, 10:23 AM
I have a spot for you on the boat when the weather is cooperative. Stay tuned my friend and thank you! I will shoot you a text and give you some notice.

give me a heads up next round... time to introduce The Essential to that water!

12-04-2020, 12:44 PM
Mmmm walleye..come to think of it i am still waiting on those tuna steaks buddy....

Then again thats the smallest walley i have ever seen there buddy.

Good catching you crazy maniac.


12-04-2020, 02:29 PM
20 Walleye?!?! Yikes! Looks like you found walleye heaven! Good stuff!