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View Full Version : Black Hawk Report- Niantic, CT

Black Hawk Fishing
11-16-2020, 09:37 PM
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Today's weather forecast was less than favorable, to say the least. However, we decided to make a change, so we could get the trip in and avoid the high winds. We moved the trip up two hours, so our customers could fill up their coolers in comfort! We were the first boat on the grounds and we were able to drift instead of being forced to anchor. The fishing was PHENOMENAL! We loaded up on some big cod fish- up to 20lbs- and some monster sea bass, as well! The fall bite is in full swing and the fish are hungry! Don't miss out on the action! Book your spot online now to join us and fill up your freezer with fresh fish!

Only 7 Spots left for Thursday's combo trip (blackfish/bottom fishing), leaves at 4am.

Remember space is limited due to social distancing guidelines and reservations are required for all trips. Bring your lunch and catch your dinner! (860) 448-3662 www.blackhawksportfishing.com