View Full Version : Fishing trips this weekend...

11-09-2020, 08:58 AM
Headed out early on Saturday and started searching around for some life on some Tog spots...moved from here to there and adjusted some with the spot lock. Covered up by dogfish at most of them with a pick of shorts here and there. Finally hit a small lump at the rocks on Saturday late in the day and they began to chew in earnest. Still shorts with a keeper there. Dang spineys are overly abundant.

Got back out yesterday a little later in the day, went to a nearby spot on the low tide with no luck and decided to run oceanside. On the way out, life all over the place along the SH Channel. Stripers rolling on the surface but few takers on the jigs. Continued east to a Tog spot and set up there on the spot lock. Immediately started a pick of nice tog there. Not as many spineys but there were there. More tog and nice Seabass to go with the 2 keepers we had in the box. They began chewing again, later in the day...around 130-2pm. All on green crabs...
Headed back to the dock around 3pm. Really beautiful days on the water especially for November. Cant wait till next week now.

Gerry Zagorski
11-09-2020, 09:39 AM
Tried fishing eels a day last week and was covered up by Spineys too.. They’re thick right now and the ones we caught were huge!!

11-09-2020, 04:36 PM
We saw that distinctive wrap of yours Saturday afternoon wyldbill and were on a piece not far from you.
We had a morning of 7 stripers including 2 bonus. By 1100 we were looking for tog, and like you mongrels and a few shorts at previous stops.
We ended up with 4 tog including one at 8 lbs.
Hell of a day like others have mentioned, shirt sleeves in November amazing !!
Tight lines.
Tom K.

11-09-2020, 07:11 PM
Ha...thanks Tom. Yea...barkers are all over out there.

11-09-2020, 10:00 PM
Don’t you realize ever since the dogfish became “endangered protected” all bottom fish have suffered

11-10-2020, 08:06 AM
Im gonna start making Fish and Chips out of the f**kers

Gerry Zagorski
11-10-2020, 03:38 PM
Yep those endangered doggies if not kept in check can flat out ruin other fisheries. They come in and others leave.

Was fishing out of Glouster a few years back for Cod and Haddock and we got covered up by them. Big mean size of your legs doggies, one on each hook as soon as you let it down. Got so bad we had to keep our baits out of the water for 10 minutes hoping they’d leave. Get back in catch a few Haddock and they’d show up again. This drill went on the whole day and no matter where we went.

11-10-2020, 07:19 PM
Club them with a clam bat so it’s easy to get the hook out. They will thin out after a bit 😂