View Full Version : Maine stripers

10-29-2020, 08:01 PM
I really am enjoying watching and reading about fishing in the mid Atlantic region. I’m going to try to head south for a trip next fall.

I wanted to show you what surf fishing in Maine is like. We don’t get a lot of giant +40” stripers, but we do get some nice fighting 25 to 35 inch ones.

We also have some nice sunsets.


Gerry Zagorski
11-02-2020, 05:52 PM
A spring or a fall trip here in NJ is your best opportunity for big trophy Stripers. No better place on the planet for the past several years period end of statement.

11-02-2020, 07:09 PM
A spring or a fall trip here in NJ is your best opportunity for big trophy Stripers. No better place on the planet for the past several years period end of statement.

Thanks, can you catch them from shore or do you need a boat?

Gerry Zagorski
11-03-2020, 11:57 AM
You can catch them from shore but you have 100X better chance of catching them on a boat since your movement is not constrained. Many head boats and charter boats target them exclusively during the spring and fall runs.

The normal drill is scout around and look for signs of life like birds or schools of bunker getting harassed. If you hit it right you're in for an experience of a lifetime. I'm talking Nat Geo stuff here..Acres of Bunker getting pushed to the top and jumping out of the water, Stripers swiping at them from every direction creating sprays of white water.

It's a truly amazing fishery and these next 6 weeks, NJ will be your best opportunity to experience it.