View Full Version : Obsession Blackfishing

Gerry Zagorski
10-24-2020, 09:53 AM
Did you ever have one of those days were you would have been better of staying in bed? That was me Thursday afternoon...

We get to the spot and some friends of ours were just leaving it... They stopped by to tell us they did well and the fish seemed to favor the green crabs and I had white... Oh well I'm sure they'll still hit the whites right?

I knew anchoring would be tough with hardly any wind and no real current to speak of and was thinking to myself "what I wouldn't give to have a spot lock trolling motor like those guys had"

Took a while to find out which way we were going to lay since the drift was practically non existent and what little movement we had seemed to be in circles. Finally thought I had it figured out, ran back over the piece and a little further to drop the anchor so we'd hopefully set back on it, hit the windlass switch and nothing... Reset the breaker, nothing.. Try pulling it out by hand but it was stuck..

Oh well since we're here and there's practically no drift might as well try and drift it.. Not happening and all we did was manage to dwindle down my jig supply.

About an hour into this the fog moves in and there are working boats in the immediate area sounding their fog horns....

Enough was a enough, put the radar on, at least it worked and took a slow cautious ride home hoping we might see something harassing the bunker on the way home but that was not to be either...

Some days you're the bug and some days your the windshield :D:rolleyes::(

10-24-2020, 01:06 PM
I was out there Thursday also on my friends boat with similar results. Fog was pea soup in morning, had to wait a bit to leave. Get to reef no drift and hard to anchor over right spots. Lots of small fish bit with only 2 keeper sea bass. Acres of bunker with no fish seen chasing them. Threw some plugs, nothing.
At least I was able to get out for some fresh air. :)

10-24-2020, 01:56 PM
Your report sounds like my last 2 trips ! Guess it’s still better having a shitty trip than being on land:D

10-24-2020, 06:02 PM
This sounds like my report of obsession for Stripers for the past 10 trips including today:(

10-24-2020, 07:07 PM
Did you ever have one of those days were you would have been better of staying in bed? That was me Thursday afternoon...

We get to the spot and some friends of ours were just leaving it... They stopped by to tell us they did well and the fish seemed to favor the green crabs and I had white... Oh well I'm sure they'll still hit the whites right?

I knew anchoring would be tough with hardly any wind and no real current to speak of and was thinking to myself "what I wouldn't give to have a spot lock trolling motor like those guys had"

Took a while to find out which way we were going to lay since the drift was practically non existent and what little movement we had seemed to be in circles. Finally thought I had it figured out, ran back over the piece and a little further to drop the anchor so we'd hopefully set back on it, hit the windlass switch and nothing... Reset the breaker, nothing.. Try pulling it out by hand but it was stuck..

Oh well since we're here and there's practically no drift might as well try and drift it.. Not happening and all we did was manage to dwindle down my jig supply.

About an hour into this the fog moves in and there are working boats in the immediate area sounding their fog horns....

Enough was a enough, put the radar on, at least it worked and took a slow cautious ride home hoping we might see something harassing the bunker on the way home but that was not to be either...

Some days you're the bug and some days your the windshield :D:rolleyes::(
the weather has been a nightmare horrible

Capt. Debbie
10-25-2020, 01:17 PM
The fog was pea soup in the morning. Started to clear and then got even worse. I was with some new jacks freaking out about me going the wrong way. I was following the plotter track lines on his boat. I did not know much about Hummingbirds.

Got back as I said we would. A dreary no wind day, humid as hell, and visibility about 1/8 mile.

I was out there Thursday also on my friends boat with similar results. Fog was pea soup in morning, had to wait a bit to leave. Get to reef no drift and hard to anchor over right spots. Lots of small fish bit with only 2 keeper sea bass. Acres of bunker with no fish seen chasing them. Threw some plugs, nothing.
At least I was able to get out for some fresh air. :)

10-26-2020, 08:29 AM
Hi Gerry,

Like u, I have a 28 Carolina Classic 😀👍🏼 I have a lofrans windlass & like 350 ft of 5/8 inch rope on it.

Just wondering, how many feet of rope u have set up on your 28?

I like to tog & wish I had like 500-600 ft of anchor line but not so easy to get that much in my anchor locker.


Gerry Zagorski
10-26-2020, 04:08 PM
I have 300 feet and a Good Windlass. Don’t think we could fit anymore without it being an issue since you need a certain amount of drop for it to lay the line in the locker correctly.

10-26-2020, 04:12 PM
I was out thursday as well...did an afternoon run on the tide. Got to my tog spot and crushed em for a while. Spot locked on and game on. Came in with the radar just before dark....nice to get out in the afternoon like that. Planning on a similar run this Wednesday.

10-26-2020, 07:07 PM

Thank u for the info.... I know u tog fish a lot & know u crush them!!!!

Thx again!
