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View Full Version : Golden Eagle - TUNA TRIP REPORT

10-19-2020, 06:49 PM
Considering we are in the second half of October, it was an okay Tuna trip. We had some BLUEFIN, some YELLOWFIN, some ALBACORE and BLUEFISH. We also lost quite a few.

Pictures to come later.

REMEMBER - WE HAVE ONE MORE TUNA TRIP WHICH DEPARTS TOMORROW NIGHT, OCT. 20TH AT 11PM AND RETURNS WEDNESDAY LATE AFTERNOON -------- There are a couple spots open on this trip. It will be your last chance this season to catch these big fish so go to our website and make your reservations ASAP.

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails every day for STRIPERS & BLUES at 7:30 am from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.

For more information visit us at
www.goldeneaglefishing.com or call 732-681-6144.

See you onboard.