View Full Version : SHBA Fishing Club

10-12-2020, 05:37 PM
The Sandy Hook Bay Anglers based out of Atlantic Highlands, typically hold our monthly meetings on the Second Friday of Every month. Due to COVID, we have been meeting at Monmouth Cove Marina under the tent or at a diner with our limited number of members. We have been flexible with the day of the week as well, sometimes meeting on Wednesday evenings.

Anyone interested in attending and/or becoming members are welcome. Please feel free to reach out to myself or any other members.!

Our 2021 Goals are to bring our club back stronger than ever. We want to run our tournament once again as I know quite a few active members & participants of NJfishing.com enjoy our event yearly. We discuss multiple items concerning local and statewide fishing as well as our own experiences and share tips and tricks.

Among our goals is also to run fishing trips for members, friends and family on local head-boats & with charter captains as well.
Bring a love of fishing & a desire to do a little bit of good.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM or email:


FYI You dont need to have a boat!!

Bill DiStaso

On Walkabout
10-13-2020, 11:34 AM
I joined the Club last Spring, unfortunately just prior to COVID, but am glad to say the Club has done what it can to make the Club beneficial to all during this challenging time. I look forward to finishing this fishing season while sharing experiences with the members and hopefully a more normal season come Spring 2021. I would encourage anyone with a love of fishing to come by a meeting and see for yourself.

10-15-2020, 01:44 PM
We're always looking for new folks with fresh ideas. This is important in these always changing times. This is a great opportunity to have a positive impact on our community while making new friends and talk fishing. Also, is stress relief from cabin fever in the coming winter months .

10-17-2020, 07:54 PM
To answer some peoples interest in the club and the requirements for being a member, Ill be happy to share.

Its not a huge time commitment at all. We have our meetings once a month...the 2nd week of the month. It had traditionally been the 2nd Friday of each month but due to Covid that changed somewhat. We have had Wednesday evenings as well as Friday evenings during the season now. We have had the need to be flexible with location and timing.

Our Annual Fluke tournament is our biggest event of the calendar year for us. It was cancelled this year due to Covid but we are hopeful that next year we will continue our tradition. Splitting the work among our membership is the biggest advantage. Our Capt's meeting and the Weigh Stations are the largest time commitments we have.

Dues are minimal and go towards operating expenses & an end of year dinner we like to hold for members, their spouses or significant others and guests.

As the club grows again, our goals are to hold other events and take fishing trips as a club. A majority of us own our own boats but as stated its not necessary to be a member. Simply the enjoyment and love of fishing is all thats required.

capt. brian
11-01-2020, 09:52 AM
I've been a member of this club for over 20 years and enjoy the comradery of all the members, there is a lot of fishing knowledge sitting at these meetings and all are willing to share.. We run the largest Fluke tournament in the area and do a lot of charity work through donations, which always feels good to help others. Come and sit in on a meeting and get involved I guarantee you'll learn something and have a few laughs. For information on the club call me at 732-787-4008 leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Brian Dunn