View Full Version : Seabass

Foul Hook
10-10-2020, 08:21 AM
Started out yesterday with high hopes. Well things didn't go so well. We went to pull out of the slip, all loaded up and I have no steering. Engines stuck completely turned to the star board and not budging, well that sucks. Plan B grab all the gear and head down the road to another boat. We finally made it out to the reef. Long story short we hit a few spots and started building a box and my favorite rods snaps in half. WTF. Time to hit the cooler:eek:
All told at the end of the day we ended the day with 22 nice seabass for 4 man crew. At least I got out, and thank God we had enough beer.

10-10-2020, 12:24 PM
Damn that’s a shitty day! What prob you find with the steering?

Foul Hook
10-10-2020, 12:53 PM
Just got some good news boat mechanic was there put the power bleeder on the steering and that fixed all the problems must have been air bound

Foul Hook
10-10-2020, 12:55 PM
Now it's time to treat myself to a new fishing pole

10-10-2020, 05:02 PM
Would have been worse if there was no beer!

BugEye Chris
10-10-2020, 06:11 PM
At least you lost steering at the dock instead of out fishing

John D.
10-10-2020, 08:39 PM
That sux. Once went on a mid range sea bass charter (20 miles off) where the boat lost all navigation electronics and sonar about 2 miles from the dock. Everything else Re boat electric seemed to work ok. Capt said he could “still do it” and refused to end the trip even though half the group was nervous and asked to go back. In prime season and beautiful conditions the 6 of us caught 15 sea bass on a full day charter fishing sandy bottom. Didn’t care about the catch, we all felt nervous all day and was glad to come back to the dock.

Glad you made it back ok.

shrimpman steve
10-10-2020, 09:44 PM
Hydrolic steering is great but you need hydrolic fluid:D:D

10-11-2020, 11:24 AM
Damn man, you must have 30 poles in your garage, you need another one?

Foul Hook
10-12-2020, 09:54 AM
Damn man, you must have 30 poles in your garage, you need another one?
29 of them are wrong:D

10-12-2020, 11:07 AM
"Once went on a mid range sea bass charter (20 miles off) where the boat lost all navigation electronics and sonar about 2 miles from the dock. Everything else Re boat electric seemed to work ok. Capt said he could “still do it” and refused to end the trip even though half the group was nervous and asked to go back. In prime season and beautiful conditions the 6 of us caught 15 sea bass on a full day charter fishing sandy bottom. Didn’t care about the catch, we all felt nervous all day and was glad to come back to the dock."

REALLY -I guess you never heard of time & course or land ranges - when I first started boating we had none of this electronic stuff and we still found wrecks & bottom and we didn't get run over in the fog and made it home.

It's COLUMBUS day, ever hear of him - he crossed the Atlantic many times without any electronics. I wonder how NERVOUS he was!

John D.
10-12-2020, 11:42 AM
"Once went on a mid range sea bass charter (20 miles off) where the boat lost all navigation electronics and sonar about 2 miles from the dock. Everything else Re boat electric seemed to work ok. Capt said he could “still do it” and refused to end the trip even though half the group was nervous and asked to go back. In prime season and beautiful conditions the 6 of us caught 15 sea bass on a full day charter fishing sandy bottom. Didn’t care about the catch, we all felt nervous all day and was glad to come back to the dock."

REALLY -I guess you never heard of time & course or land ranges - when I first started boating we had none of this electronic stuff and we still found wrecks & bottom and we didn't get run over in the fog and made it home.

It's COLUMBUS day, ever hear of him - he crossed the Atlantic many times without any electronics. I wonder how NERVOUS he was!

Unfortunately, the fares in my charter group were not adept like Columbus in matching land and course ranges in order to pin point the wrecks I guess? We also didn’t have control of the steering wheel or throttle.

Btw, it was unnerving when we lost the navigation electronics while en route in the fog. Our captain was very brave.