View Full Version : GAMBLER --Canyon and Inshore Reporting

10-06-2020, 02:34 PM
The Gambler was out Friday to Saturday --and Saturday to Sunday this week. Good fishing on yellowfins again. Mostly bigger 50 to 75lb fish on chunks and whole sardines. Lot's of life again out there.

Not too many bites in the dark. On Sunday, the action started just about day break and we held a steady one to two fish on until about 9:30. After 10AM, we had a few more bites but they turned out to be sharks. Anyone that tried, landed a tuna or two.

I tried working a 10oz hammered jig on the opposite side while I was chucking chum but I did not get a bump.

The reports from yesterday's (Monday's) boats did not sound too promising but I think it's just the way tunas and many other pelagics cycle. The water out there did not disapear and neither did the fish.

Unfortunately, cancelled tomorrows 36 due to weather forecast but we'll be back in the canyons again this weekend.

Capt Mike had the Gambler out yesterday for our final inshore exotics of the season. They only had a few albies and a bonitio but had action all day on a wide range of other species.

There are still spots availble on our upcoming Canyon trips but don't wait too long to sign up.

Hope to see you aboard

Capt Bob