View Full Version : Need some advice

09-12-2020, 06:32 AM
The motor on my 23ft Mako broke down on me in early July. After two month and 3K it’s been determined the motor is a total loss. So, it appears my “boating” day are over after 30 years.

I have no idea how to handle the boat and its contents. As you can imagine I have tons of stuff on this boat that need to find a home. Like 2 Optima Blue top batteries, one of which is brand new $275, and brand new Lowrance Hook 2-7 which cost me $450. A nice anchor, chain, and a ton of line, Anchor lift Ball included. Probable 100 plus of sinkers from 1oz to 10oz. Life jackets, woodies cleaning stuff you name it…

While I’m not looking to simply give this stuff away, I’m not looking to make a killing either. Does anyone know of outfits that deal with this kind of stuff? This boat is in good shape, I would repower the boat for $8,500 with this outfit in Delaware, but at 65 I think I could go on a lot of charters for that kind of money. The boat is at Atlantic Highland Marine till the end of Oct if anyone is interested in seeing the boat.

Appreciate your thoughts- Thanks Mike

Gerry Zagorski
09-12-2020, 08:15 AM
What year Mako and is it a center console or Cuddy and what power was on it?

I’m not interested but others who might be will likely want this information

09-12-2020, 09:26 AM
The Mako is 1978 and the motor is a 1990 200hp Mariner. The boat is in very good shape.

Irish Jigger
09-12-2020, 11:26 AM
Can you send me pics of the boat might know someone interested in the Mako Hull?



Irish Jigger
09-12-2020, 11:31 AM
Sent you a PM

09-12-2020, 05:37 PM
How much anchor rope ?

09-13-2020, 06:15 AM
Not really sure how much anchor rope. I've anchored up in 120 ft and had plenty of line left. This anchor and chain is probably a little over kill for this boat. But I can assure you it's more than enough for anything you would need unless you're in the mud hole or over 200 ft.

09-13-2020, 06:30 AM
Here are some photos of the boat

09-13-2020, 10:07 AM
A classic mako that is clean, even with the blown engine, won’t be hard to sell. You can sell the whole package instead of parting everything out and having a bunch of people coming to your place.

Capt. Debbie
09-13-2020, 10:52 AM
Wow a LORAN C antenna?

Here are some photos of the boat

09-13-2020, 12:01 PM
Yes the photos are from several years ago. However the boat is still in great shape. I replace the canvas on the T-Top is year, I also re-ran wiring and install a new power panel. Also installed a new Lowrance Hood-2 7 splitshot. Everything on this boat is still in working order. Actually the motor still runs but you know it's got power head issues from the knocking sound.

If I was 10 years younger I would re-power the boat but at 65 it's time to jump on a charter boat.

Thanks for you interest.