View Full Version : Newbie Ocean County Surf Report

09-11-2020, 10:44 AM
Hi All, been following this great forum for quite some time and joined a while back. I finally have a report worthy of posting. Rented a place in Ocean County for the week and caught a total of 52 fluke (Only 1 keeper) in 4 days of surf fishing. 4 on Sunday, 10 on Monday-fished for 2 hours. Highlight of the day was a whale feeding on Bunker off the beach. Didn’t fish either Tuesday or Wednesday since I had to take care of some business. Thursday 22 fluke and 1 cocktail blue in 2.5 hours. Today’s 7th fluke was finally a keeper @ 19.5”, caught a total of 16 this morning. 95% of the fluke caught hit the gulp teaser. Started getting the tails bit off this morning by cocktail blues so switched to a diamond jig with green tail and landed a 16” fluke. Tight lines.

Gerry Zagorski
09-11-2020, 11:32 AM
Welcome and nice work... Can't beat that sort of action for late summer surf fishing..

09-11-2020, 11:50 AM
nice. I've had similar results this summer. Tons of fluke shorts but keepers mixed in, actually had 3 one day! Small blues 1-3 lbs around almost all summer, blitzed the beach on Tuesday scattering rain fish everywhere. A whale, lots of dolphins and rays were common. Caught schoolie stripers, kingfish, sea robins, stargazers, windowpane flounder in what was a good summer for me. Unfortunately it looks like the surf is going to be rough for a week now :(. Maybe time to soak some clams :confused: