Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
09-01-2020, 12:32 PM
Mad Gaffer Fluke report September 1, Probably the best day all season for Fluke we were limited out by 10:30 AM, we threw back a bunch of keepers back holding out for bigger fish . I left to go home at 11:15 with a full boat limit of nice big fish most of them were four to
6 pound, A lot of shorts and a lot of fish that just made it, but they went back. We have plenty of room throughout the week check our open boat page for details call for information and reservations Follow us on Facebook for pictures. Hope to see you soon thanks RAY
6 pound, A lot of shorts and a lot of fish that just made it, but they went back. We have plenty of room throughout the week check our open boat page for details call for information and reservations Follow us on Facebook for pictures. Hope to see you soon thanks RAY