08-24-2020, 02:55 PM
Finally got out on a top 10 day weather wise. Ocean dead flat an 73 degree water. Tried a drift in off Long Branch all shorts. Found a nice line of quality fish all 3 to 5 lbs off Mommouth beach in 55 feet. Stayed on the numbers and had our 4 man limit of fluke, and sea bass. Also caught a couple 4 lb bluefish and some porgies.
Nice easy drift able to hold with a 1 oz bucktail. All fish on bucktail, gulp and spearing.
Ride in at 11 am was just as flat as when we left Shark River at 7:15
HARTATTACK missed a good one.
Nice easy drift able to hold with a 1 oz bucktail. All fish on bucktail, gulp and spearing.
Ride in at 11 am was just as flat as when we left Shark River at 7:15
HARTATTACK missed a good one.