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View Full Version : GAMBLER --Good Fluking and Night Fishing

08-04-2020, 09:56 AM
The Gambler had good fluke fishing most days this week. Quite a few limits and fluke up to 7+ lbs. Julia has been batting home runs almost every trip she joins us and catching some big fluke. She had two fluke around 7 lbs on Saturday. She's just working a jig head and bucktail above it. Julia is often high hook. It's amazing that just 3 years ago she started fishing with us, renting a rod and reel! I would say that she is a good fluker because she is patient and a good observer and willing to always learn something new.

The waters we have been fishing are full of life these last couple of weeks: Baitfish, spainish mackerels, bluefish, shark frenzies, whales.... It's been a great summer so far. Hopefully this storm does not put us back for too long.

On our Nite Wreckin trips, the action has been going back-and-forth. Some nights the blues are the more dominate biters, but Saturday and ling was the thing. We are seeing lots of cool tropical fishes on our nights trips too. We never know what we are going to catch.

Hope to see you aboard