View Full Version : Are 2-2.5 day party boat trips any fun?

07-31-2020, 02:51 PM
Thinking about jumping onto one of the 2 or 2.5 day fishing trips offered by a number of party boats in the area. Just wondering if they are a lot of fun or do they get tedious and a little boring? I mean I know you're at the rail a lot of the time but you gotta take breaks, relax a bit in the evening. And as far as I know there's 1 bathroom shared by all. Are these fun to do or are they simply about stacking cooler full of fish?

07-31-2020, 03:47 PM
Try a 24 or 36 hour trip and figure it out for yourself. If you are not suited to this kind of trip, you'll have your answer.
There's nothing like a trip out to the canyons.
Yellowfin, Long fin, Bigeye Tuna, mahi, etc are a bonus.

07-31-2020, 05:14 PM
they are a blast. But I personally suggest a combination trip.

Such as a Nantucket fluke/Georges bank trip.

Or a tile/tuna trip.

The canyon trips can be hit or miss, and if you don't land anything ... thats tough. But if you go on a tile/tuna trip you are guaranteed to get bottom dwellers and new species, on top of the possibility for tuna/mahi/swords.

But be prepared to be exhausted ... fishing round the clock.

07-31-2020, 06:22 PM
I personally haven't been on a 48hr. trip...many of 30-36 hours but that is about it. In California, it's the norm for pelagic fish....They will be out for 2.5-3 days because that is where the steady bight of tuna is for them. I've often wondered if the PB's around here would consider changing tactics and heading a lot further off shore, charge more $ of course, etc. If they have the fuel capacity, insurance, etc. I'll bet people would be willing to pay more. There were many years where the commercials 160-200 miles out were crushing them and they never came into our canyons. The YFT and longfin chunk bite here has SUCKED for the last 9-10 years and have cut my chunking trips back considerably because of that. Hopefully this year will be different. All signs are pointing that way! I'd be very interested to learning more about what PB's are running for 2.5 days- Tight lines fellas.

07-31-2020, 07:09 PM
The ones I’ve seen and are most interested in are either the Nantucket fun for fluke/cod/pollack and more so the deep drop tilefish and rough bottom trips. I just worry it might get old being on the boat that long, especially if the seas are rough. Plus I’d be going alone. Don’t know anyone who likes fishing as much as me or can drop the coin on those trips.

joy luck
07-31-2020, 08:16 PM
Just like you said, you’ll be going on the trip because you seriously like fishing and you’ll be surrounded by people who only seriously like fishing. I never fail becoming friends with the guy next to me and trading fishing stories, tactics, etc. I second fishermancraig. Be prepared to be exhausted. It doesn’t really get old as if I’m not fishing, I’m usually passed out.

08-01-2020, 06:43 AM
I do 40 hr trips to dry tortugas, and you will be exhausted at the end of the trip.
The boat leaves at 10am fri morning, I’ll stay up until noon and get sleep until 5/6 pm. Then from there on I’m up for 26 hrs. You might close your eyes quick between spots, but you don’t go below to a bunk. The moment you do that you will be out for hours. You have to be at the rail to catch fish.

You will get a good sleep on the trip back in.

Capt Sal
08-01-2020, 11:08 AM
Not for everyone. Lot of fun if you are prepared.Chance to get multiple kinds of fish from tuna,tiles, swords, mako's.36 hours is quite enough on the East Coast. Eat and sleep on the way out.Fish hard all night and morning then drink your beer on the ride home.Been there done that from Capt. to customer. DO NOT LET THE MATES FISH IN THE STERN!!!!!! You pay and some times mates from other boats jump on.When i did it as a Capt. i would not allow any mate to take a prime spot.

BugEye Chris
08-01-2020, 12:18 PM
I’ve done a couple and they are great trips. The boat I
Go on takes a very limited number of people per trip.as stated
In previous posts almost all of the people on these trips
Are serious about fishing. And there is always a variety of tasty
Dinners to be caught. I’m looking forward to the end of September
When I am on a 2 day tuna/tile trip. I’ll post the results

bunker dunker
08-03-2020, 05:23 AM
they are great trips with great rewards.i have done allot and have never been
disappointed.just remember fishing is fishing no matter how long the trip is.i have been blessed to have been on very good trips and have been on some slower trips also.