View Full Version : Fishermen/Mondays Fishing Report

07-27-2020, 03:52 PM
Slugged away all day once again with much more short action today.

Still had some guys with their three by days end including my Ole pal Charlie Olah. A few nicer fish just not as many as yesterday.

Pool fish went 5 1/2 pounds was 29 inches and the thin-est Fluke I have ever seen for a fish that size!! No meat on the bone.

The guys who I thought would catch today after having such a great track record the past couple of trips, all got humbled on this one. Go Figure.

Breeze actually helped us as it was Hot as hell out there!!

Back at it tomorrow.

Capt. Ron

07-27-2020, 09:37 PM
Wow that is an extremely light fish for 29". Usual your in the 9-11lb range at 29".

07-28-2020, 05:16 AM
Wow that is an extremely light fish for 29". Usual your in the 9-11lb range at 29".

Exactly....We had a 29 3/4 & a 29 inch fish that weighted 8.5 points each and a 29 that made 9.2 just the other day. This one threw me for a loop!

07-28-2020, 08:23 AM
Interesting fish indeed... My late father told me a story about how he was on a party boat where a guy caught a fluke that was very much smaller than the other pool contenders.. When the fish won the pool guys were screaming about it being rigged.. When the fish was showed around, it was found to be freakishly thick around 3 inches or so....Dad said he had never seen a fluke like it. Even as a very old man, he always remembered that fish.

Over the years I've seen, all kinds of weird fluke...Thick, thin, narrow, wide, white both sides, dark both sides, odd markings, etc... Like us ,they are individuals, and enough real oddballs around to keep things interesting.. ..