View Full Version : Real time current App

07-11-2020, 12:32 PM
I'm looking for a real time current app for Raritan Bay does anyone know of one. Thanks in Advance!

07-11-2020, 12:58 PM
It's not Real Time but NOAA has a Current Prediction site for locations all over the US. I use it every trip because of the strong currents around the VZ Bridge. It is usually very accurate.

I may be wrong but I don't think Real Time Current information is available.....just predictions.

Dawn Treader
07-11-2020, 02:33 PM
Stevens Tech has a pretty good app:


In the bar along the top of the page, select "NYHOPS Forecast" and you will have a selection of locations in and around the bay to choose from.

Good luck.

07-11-2020, 07:28 PM
Stevens Tech has a pretty good app:


In the bar along the top of the page, select "NYHOPS Forecast" and you will have a selection of locations in and around the bay to choose from.

Good luck. Thanks I found this there and its pretty cool! http://hudson.dl.stevens-tech.edu/maritimeforecast/maincontrol.shtml