View Full Version : GAMBLER --Fluke Sea Bass Report-- Day and Night Schedules

07-06-2020, 08:28 AM
It's been decent fluke fishing on the Gambler these last few days, with a good percentage of keepers being netted. Some of the sharpies have been getting their limits. John from the Reel Seat was out with us yesterday morning and had his fluke limit by 10AM, using jig and pink gulp combo. He continued to catch fluke and sea bass the rest of the morning and happily instructed others that were intersested. The Reel Seat is running smoothly with Eric, John and Amanda at the helm --I'm sure Dave would be very proud. He is deeply missed.

Chris was out with us on Friday and landed a beautiful 8.2 lb fluke, working a spro set-up. He also had caught five fluke over 18" --retaining his limit.

Fluke are on the move as they pour into the banks and ruffage from offshore. Besides fluke and sea bass, we are seeing some ling and pollock --all good eating fish.

On our Nite Wreckin trips this weekend, the Gambler had a steady pick of mixed sized ling and sea bass. They are not jumping on the hooks, like they were a month ago but if you work at it, you should be able to put a good catch together.

Small bluefish and squids have been cruising under our night lights and ready to be caught, too, if you decide to do that.

Hope to see you aboard

Capt Bob