View Full Version : Big Jamaica Filling Coolers

06-29-2020, 08:01 PM
Another Very Good Day! (Monday)
6/29 Report
Fishing was excellent again today. Everyone had coolers full of big ling and we had a couple of flounder.
The pool winner was:
Yesterday Miami, today Atlanta Georgia
Kyle Matlock from Atlanta Georgia with a 15-in flounder and a cooler full of jumbo ling.
The catch has been mostly ling with a few flounder and cod mixed in.
The Big Jamaica is scheduled to sail every day and also 1/2 night Friday and Saturday night, and a special afternoon trip on Sunday from 4: 30PM until 8:30.
Trips for bluefish and Bonito will begin soon. This week we will be fishing for Ling, flounder, and cod. We have plenty of room on the trip leaving Tuesday morning.
If you would like to go just be down at the dock before sailing time. You can pay at the boat.
For further information go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014.