View Full Version : Fish identification

06-25-2020, 05:58 PM
Hey folks.

Need help identifying fish in the surf. I do not actually have a photo tho.

I was fluke surfing the other day. But not even in 2-3 feet of water I saw larger fish darting in and out of the wash.*I saw dozens of these fish all up and down the beach where i was fishing near point pleasant.

They looked like stripers maybe were blues? The fish were around 2 feet long, some even bigger. But when I threw metal lures at them they didnt hit. I had a small selection of metal but threw all the metal lures I have at them but got no hit.

Then a kid showed me all the sand crabs/lice and it occurred to me maybe these fish were feeding on these? And I put some on a hook and threw into a surf, but still no fish hit it.

You guys have any idea what fish these were or could have been and how to catch them? Sorry for the lack of photo.

Would love some insight.

06-25-2020, 06:43 PM
PM sent

06-25-2020, 07:30 PM
thanks big. I followed up by sending u a private message seeking further guidance.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to rig these sand fleas. It seems my rigging was incorrect. I put 2 - 3 sand fleas on a 2/0 hook 12 inches above my 1/2 ounce sinker and cast it 5 - 10 feet behind the wash. But i got no bites. Anyone have any suggestions?

Home Depot George
06-25-2020, 10:36 PM
Sounds like whiting/northern kingfish. Down here in florida we tie a rig with a dropper loop 4 inches above the weight and another 6 to 8 above. For hooks we use fluke style wide gap. https://i.postimg.cc/9QQR0P5G/Pompano-Rig.jpg oh and forget all the beads

06-26-2020, 06:59 AM
Banded rudderfish. 🤣

06-26-2020, 10:27 AM
24" kingfish? Doubt it... Unless its a drastic length exaggeration. If they are kingfish, try small hook hi-lo rigs with fish bites. They work well for croaker and kings when the surf warms up.

If they're bluefish, they'll eat anything. Being as you garnered zero strikes I'd take them off the table as an option.

Stripers can be tough when they key in on small bait like fleas and cinder worms... but a 2' schoolie would eat a piece of clam in a heart beat w/o thinking twice, esp in the surf.

Without a visual, it's hard to tell. Perhaps puppy drum?