02-09-2020, 07:54 PM
You get a Laker! You get a Laker! He gets a Laker! She gets a Laker! The dude in the raft gets a Laker! The kayaker gets a Laker! Yes! Everyone gets a Laker! Relaxing Sunday on the Valley after Plan A went to crap. My brothers trolled Lakers and Bows successfully while I down lined and jigged with great success. Fish were stacked in 50ish feet of water suspended and cruising 30-40 feet down. Cracked some good ones to 23.5 inches and some were pretty chunky. Kept 2 for the garden, Bwahahaha!!! Not my cup of tea nowadays as I grew up fishing this place. It used to be better but hey at least we have the options with the ice seasons going to crap in recent years! TIGHT LINEZ!!!:D