View Full Version : Trolling depth chart........

01-10-2020, 01:09 PM
Take a look at this........


Find this at all accurate? Either it’s on or close or I’m way way off thinking where lures are running when I drag them.

Capt. Lou
01-11-2020, 11:05 PM
It’s fairly accurate however many variables involved that can change depths . Lure type , leader length , angle of rod to water , diameter line etc.
I’d refer to it as a guideline under for one particular set up that meets those criteria .
The deeper and choppier the water even more variables must be considered .
The most accurate trolling depths can obtained with DR’s, wire or LC ! Likewise Seth Green rigs in any stratified lake .

01-12-2020, 11:26 PM
I realize all the variables change things.

What I was most surprised about was the calculation I put in........ 8 oz drail @ 1.5 knots, 100 feet back on 30 lb braid..... less than 3 feet below the surface!?

I thought for sure I’d easily be double that if not at least 8-10 ft down.

Capt. Lou
01-13-2020, 01:06 PM
I realize all the variables change things.

What I was most surprised about was the calculation I put in........ 8 oz drail @ 1.5 knots, 100 feet back on 30 lb braid..... less than 3 feet below the surface!?

I thought for sure I’d easily be double that if not at least 8-10 ft down.

That’s way off maybe I missed something ! I believe the equation is wrong that 8oz if no current should be 20’ plus down !
Its always best to to test troll patterns and note for future use !

Meat Hunter
01-19-2020, 04:55 PM
That app is wrong. I"ve been trolling for walleyes using Precision Trolling Data for 20 years.

I know using 50/50 snap weight at 1.5 mph, with 1.5 oz weight will give me roughly 18' down.

The thing you have to remember is that sinking lures or weights are speed dependent. Slow down and they go down.

A buoyant devise will stay at the same depth. Or a floating lure.

Meat Hunter