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View Full Version : Hi-Mar Striper Club 2020 Fishing Flea Market & Seminars: Saturday Feb 8th

Tuna Tales
01-03-2020, 05:31 PM
The Hi-Mar Striper Club conducts one of the largest Fishing Flea Markets in tri-state area.

When & Where – Saturday February 8, 2020 from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. at the Middletown VFW Post 2179 in Port Monmouth, New Jersey. Rte 36 East (right after the Dunkin Donuts). Free parking. (please DO NOT park in the Dunkin Donuts lot).

Cost – The Cost is $5 per person. Kids 12 and under are free.

Hot food and drinks available.

Questions? – All inquiries should be addressed to Capt. Robbie Barradale at fleamarket@hi-mar.com

Over 115 tables of new and used fishing tackle, rods, reels, gear, clothing and more.

All tables are SOLD OUT! (Thank you!)

Joe and Gerry Z.: NJFishing.com: Blackfishing tips and techniques
Anthony Maja: Tony Maja's Products: Striped bass trolling tactics (MoJos and Spoons)
Stan Gola: S&S Bucktails: 2020 fluke jigging techniques

As always...all proceeds from this event help fund local kids, veterans and active military educational fishing trips throughout 2020. Groups include Hooked on Fishing - Not on Drugs, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of NJ and more.

We hope to see you on Saturday, Feb 8th. We will start pre-selling tickets around 7:30 am to help get everyone in faster. Less wait time.

Gerry Zagorski
01-03-2020, 09:07 PM
Thanks for inviting us again Joe, Robbie and the team at the Himar. It's a real pleasure to be invited back and support a club that does so much to support and give back to our fishing community and it's one of my don't miss shows...

BTW no heckling allowed and as for me.... I just turn the slides for my older, less handsome brother who happens to have a 21 plus tog under his belt... A much better fishermen then me but I'm still Mom's favorite :D

Tuna Tales
01-29-2020, 03:02 PM


Joe T.

02-06-2020, 08:31 PM
All systems are a go! Big thanks to our speakers and vendors!! Sea you Saturday!!:)

02-10-2020, 03:45 PM
To our speakers, vendors, and all who attended the Hi-Mar Flea Market..THANK YOU!!!!:)