View Full Version : It’s not over yet

12-22-2019, 11:59 PM
Caught, tagged and released two striped bass on a Monmouth County jetty Sunday night on the high tide with a Bomber and sand eel teaser rig. As soon as I caught my first fish a guy comes over to my left and starts casting across my spot from left to right while a second guy goes to my right then starts casting across my spot from right to left. After I caught my second fish, the intruder to my right caught my line. It took a very long time for him to untangle the lines. By the time he was done, the fish stopped biting. Intruders ruin my fishing. I think I’ll go waterfowling instead of fishing this week. Fishermen really suck.

12-29-2019, 10:20 PM
Returned this evening and caught, tagged and released two more with my green Bomber long A15 that the Reel Seat Tackle Shop put new 4X trebles on. Nobody else was fishing in the rain. I may try again next year. Tagged 27 stripers this year and none were recaptured yet.

12-30-2019, 07:41 AM
I fished northern Ocean county this weekend. On Saturday morning I arrived just after first light and was lucky to walk right into a pod of small baitfish on the beach lip and got 2 Bass. When the sun came up it was game over. On Saturday evening it was dead until after dark, had a couple bumps on a blurple mag darter but never came tight. Sunday morning I started well before dawn and didn't get anything until around 8 am I caught 4 until the tide topped off and the bite slowed. All my fish came on a 5 inch SP floater in bone color, didn't get any on the teaser. I also threw a tsunami eel and the mag darter.

12-31-2019, 08:15 AM
Nice work guys! I may make one final surf trip this weekend before taking a few months off for trouting. Seems like theres still some decent reports floating around :D

12-31-2019, 05:15 PM
Hoping to get down there this weekend too. If you go try a slow as possible retrieve. That's what worked for me. Good luck.