View Full Version : Good quality fluke reel for 8yr old?

John D.
12-14-2019, 01:51 PM
Ok my son has been fishing charters with me for fluke since he is 5. He loves waking up a 4:30am, getting breakfast at quick chek, and taking off on the boat as the sun rises. Never forced this upon him, he demands it 😊. He actually will stay at the rail the whole time and jig his gulp and bucktail 90% of the trip except to eat. I am blessed. My question is this. He is currently using the setup his grandpa gave him which is a st croix MH 6’5” rated for 15-30# and a penn 965 with level wind. It is hard for him given length and weight given his height. It’s an awesome setup but he hasn’t grown into it yet. And doesn’t have the power handle which may be an easy fix to give him leverage.

Is there a nice smaller reel specific to fluke that has a smaller weight and footprint with a power handle I can get him? Thinking Avet as has cool colors which he would like too? Also local shops which carry a wide selection so I can get it quickly for Xmas and patronize local places?


12-14-2019, 02:15 PM
Go see Dave at the Reel Seat in Brielle or if closer Cancun Pete at Atlantic Bait and Tackle. You will be well received and leave happy. Bring your son if possible so he can feel the setup.

12-14-2019, 02:16 PM
You can try Maxes reels or maybe Daiwa Lena. Both can be pricey. A vets are about 170 up to 240. Depends on either the sx or sxj model. The other two over 230 and up. Hope this helps

12-14-2019, 04:52 PM
Revo beast low profile 40.
Penn Battalion 1220C70 ROD.


John D.
12-14-2019, 05:16 PM
First, thanks for all responses. Realize this is difficult question to ask in absence of pairing to the rod, which I would like to keep for him for sentimental reasons (and it’s an awesome rod too)

Was thinking there might be an Avet levelwind which fits the bill but think will just have to either go to shop with the rod or gets him the penn powerhandle. Cost isn’t an issue, he truly loves fishing for fluke.


12-14-2019, 05:45 PM
How old and tall is your son now?
On the charter boats on which you fish, where does the rail meet him (neck, chest, belly button)?

12-14-2019, 06:17 PM
The Daiwa Lexa has a power handle option. Small package and higher ratio than the 965 so less cranking

12-15-2019, 12:12 AM
Your best bet for the money is the Quantum Accurist which has 16lb drag and only weights 7oz! Has the famous flip switch for single handed bucktailing (same reel John Skinner uses in his videos). And for a rod the Jigging World Nexus 761H or the Tsunami slow pitch 701XH or 761H are great options. Total package cost is around $250.
The whole combo weights like a 1 lb Lol.
You can find the reel offered in a power handle option too if you look around. If not I would be happy to help. I've got both righty and lefty in stock.

12-15-2019, 02:06 PM
Can never go wrong looking into any abu Garcia reel also they are a good quality reel at a reasonable price

12-16-2019, 09:19 AM
Your best bet for the money is the Quantum Accurist which has 16lb drag and only weights 7oz! Has the famous flip switch for single handed bucktailing (same reel John Skinner uses in his videos). And for a rod the Jigging World Nexus 761H or the Tsunami slow pitch 701XH or 761H are great options. Total package cost is around $250.
The whole combo weights like a 1 lb Lol.
You can find the reel offered in a power handle option too if you look around. If not I would be happy to help. I've got both righty and lefty in stock.

This guy nailed it. My two sons 8 and 9 have been using the quantum accurist for a couple of summers and it’s a perfect kids reel. They even use it when we go seabassing. I highly recommend putting a power handle on it.