View Full Version : Party Boat Striper Bonus Tags

12-07-2019, 08:10 AM
How many striper bonus tags did the party boat fleet use this year? I'm not familiar how that program works. Do the PB's get an unlimited number of tags? Is there a cost involved? If so, how much? Do the unused tags get sent back so there's an accurate accounting of how many were used? I'm sure there's a fishing log that has to be completed like the one the recs. fill out.

Speaking of recs.......What is the reason, we only get one? I'm not sure if the PB's pay for the tags they use, but if they do, why can't the same program be used as a stop gap for dealing with the current fluke limitations? Maybe that's where the regulatory agencies are going.........fish being held for ransome!

Call me a cynic, but don't be surprised if the movement for "pay to play" AKA saltwater license raises its head again soon. If the tags currently cost the PB's $$$$$$'s then we are already there. Please say "It ain't so"!

12-07-2019, 10:10 AM
I’m not sure how many they get, but how many party boats have these tags? I’m thinking there are only 5-6 party boats that have these tags.

12-07-2019, 10:46 AM
The Party/Charter Boat (PCBT) facet of the SBBP reopened on September 1, 2019. Data collected from this program has proved invaluable for managing striped bass. Qualified PCBTs will be issued a limited number of permits allowing customers to keep one Bonus Fish from 24" to less than 28". Only one permit may be issued to a customer per day.

PCBTs will be required to submit mandatory daily logbooks of their striped bass catch and will also be required to provide mandatory weekly reports of striped bass bonus harvest in order to ensure the quota is not exceeded. Complete instructions are below and will be provided with permits.

12-07-2019, 08:40 PM
The Sea Hunter and Sea Tiger II had enough tags so that anyone who caught a slot fish received a tag. Not like it was some years ago, when the tags were rationed to, perhaps, 6 per trip. Knowing that there would be an amlple supply of tags, I did not request my own tag this year. In 2017 and 2018, I had my own tag but never used it because the boat had tags.