View Full Version : Big Jamaica Weekend Report!

12-02-2019, 11:10 AM
Weekend Report
Giant Sea Bass - Jumbo Porgies

Fishing was very good on our weekend Offshore Wreck Trips.
We had limits of giant sea bass up to 7lbs, good numbers of jumbo porgies,
quite a few blue fish, several Weakfish, and ling.

The pool winners were:
Tony Tran from Germantown MD with a 12lb Pollock
Jerry Chen from Staten Island NY with a 7lb Sea Bass

Fred Cheng from Sayerville NJ with a 7lb Sea Bass
Melto Bisany from Belville NJ with a 6.2lb Sea Bass.

The offshore migration is still in the early stages and fishing should continue to be good or improve.
The Jamaica is scheduled to sail to the offshore wrecks at 11:00PM every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
We We may add additional trips if the weather looks right.
There is space available on the trip leaving Tuesday at 11:00PM and the weather looks good!

We also have our "buy three get one free" sale for daily trips for the 2020 season.
Tickets can be gifted, or shared, and do not expire.
They are good for half-day, three-quarter day, half-night , 3/4 night trips on the big Jamaica.

Now is the time to fish offshore. We will be running jumbo porgy and cod fish trips in January but sea bass closes after December 31.
For further information or to purchase tickets go to our website at www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014 for information.

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