View Full Version : Andreas Toy New Boat Update and Schedule

Andreas Toy
11-16-2019, 08:33 PM
Hey everyone boat was detailed yesterday and final
Electronics install. She will Be sea trialed this week
And take delivery end of next week. Boat will be at
Rickenbacker Marina in South Beach until late March
while there I will be offering 12 hour Iron man trips.
Leave at 6am set up on the sword grounds deep drifting
Till late morning, then deepdrop for queen snapper and snowy
Misty, Warsaw groupers. Then pick up run to the reef edge
And high speed troll back south for wahoo, then after lunch
Will fly the kite for Sailfish, tuna, mahi, kings. Boat will also
Be available for Bahamas and Keys adventures. Give us a call
If heading south.

Andreas Toy IV will be home in April and will be doing tilefish trips
And then we start tuna fishing In May out on the canyons. Boat will be
Primarily doing extended day trips. Boat will be routinely cruising at 50-60
Mph so will be leaving the dock at 4am and arriving before first light to troll
For tuna, and tilefish. Boat will be fishing until 6-7pm.’Then we will open her
Up for rides home fast cruising around 70. Trip will comfortably handle 6.
We will be doing full boat charters And open boat call me to get a choice date.

shrimpman steve
11-16-2019, 10:42 PM
Incredible looking ride. And back from the canyon in 90 minutes.

I wish you all the best with her

I may have to take a little ride and get in on that iron man action.

11-17-2019, 04:58 PM
Awesome ride! She will be a true head turner, especially while running!

Best wishes and good luck with her!

11-17-2019, 08:49 PM
Hey everyone boat was detailed yesterday and final
Electronics install. She will Be sea trialed this week
And take delivery end of next week. Boat will be at
Rickenbacker Marina in South Beach until late March
while there I will be offering 12 hour Iron man trips.
Leave at 6am set up on the sword grounds deep drifting
Till late morning, then deepdrop for queen snapper and snowy
Misty, Warsaw groupers. Then pick up run to the reef edge
And high speed troll back south for wahoo, then after lunch
Will fly the kite for Sailfish, tuna, mahi, kings. Boat will also
Be available for Bahamas and Keys adventures. Give us a call
If heading south.

Andreas Toy IV will be home in April and will be doing tilefish trips
And then we start tuna fishing In May out on the canyons. Boat will be
Primarily doing extended day trips. Boat will be routinely cruising at 50-60
Mph so will be leaving the dock at 4am and arriving before first light to troll
For tuna, and tilefish. Boat will be fishing until 6-7pm.’Then we will open her
Up for rides home fast cruising around 70. Trip will comfortably handle 6.
We will be doing full boat charters And open boat call me to get a choice date.

Hey Freddie when she's in jersey gonna do any fishing for jumbo Raritan bay flounder

11-17-2019, 08:52 PM
Hey Freddie when she's back in jersey gonna do any fishing in Raritan bay for jumbo flounder

Andreas Toy
11-17-2019, 10:08 PM
She will be in Point Pleasant, won’t be coming to the bay.
Will have 31FA up there.

11-17-2019, 10:26 PM
She will be in Point Pleasant, won’t be coming to the bay.
Will have 31FA up there.

just kidding fred that was the freddy C saying jumbo bay flounder best of luck with the new boat beautiful I was fishing near you on Thursday seagirt Manasquan

Capt. Debbie
11-20-2019, 01:10 AM
Sweet ride Capt Freddie

Hey everyone boat was detailed yesterday and final
Electronics install. She will Be sea trialed this week
And take delivery end of next week. Boat will be at
Rickenbacker Marina in South Beach until late March
while there I will be offering 12 hour Iron man trips.
Leave at 6am set up on the sword grounds deep drifting
Till late morning, then deepdrop for queen snapper and snowy
Misty, Warsaw groupers. Then pick up run to the reef edge
And high speed troll back south for wahoo, then after lunch
Will fly the kite for Sailfish, tuna, mahi, kings. Boat will also
Be available for Bahamas and Keys adventures. Give us a call
If heading south.

Andreas Toy IV will be home in April and will be doing tilefish trips
And then we start tuna fishing In May out on the canyons. Boat will be
Primarily doing extended day trips. Boat will be routinely cruising at 50-60
Mph so will be leaving the dock at 4am and arriving before first light to troll
For tuna, and tilefish. Boat will be fishing until 6-7pm.’Then we will open her
Up for rides home fast cruising around 70. Trip will comfortably handle 6.
We will be doing full boat charters And open boat call me to get a choice date.