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View Full Version : Jenna’s Reel Warriors Veterans Day Trip

Jenna’s Reel Warriors
11-12-2019, 05:56 PM
As some of you may or not know, we are a Veteran dedicated 501c3 nonprofit. We have a mission to give back to our disabled Veterans and Veterans suffering with PTSD (combat vets) with fishing activities.
This was our 6th trip this year and we look forward to many more for 2020.

Report from our trip....
We had out Vets Don Marantz, Bill Browne, Keron Phillp, Fred Davis. We left the dock at 7am. We had immediate non-stop action with SBBP sized fish for an hour and a half. After that we moved on to troll up some nice sized stripers ranging from 29” to 38”. Guys had good action on the troll with great stories in between the action. What a great day with a great group of awesome Veterans! Thank you for your service Don, Bill, Keron and Fred. Happy Veterans Day!!

If you are interested in supporting our organization please send us an email. We could use help with tackle, fuel etc....

Capt, Scott

Irish Jigger
11-14-2019, 02:32 PM
Great thing your doing would you be interested in an older custom shark rod, roller tip with a large old school penn reel. If so pm me on who to meet up with. I am in Atlantic.

Jenna’s Reel Warriors
11-14-2019, 08:46 PM
Thank you for for the offer. We don’t do much sharking or use heavy equipment with the Vets. Mostly Striped Bass / Fluke. We appreciate the offer though!!