View Full Version : 11/6-7 Gambler 36hr tuna

Pennsy Guy
11-08-2019, 11:52 AM
NOAA was mostly spot on with forecast for this trip...Ride out to our spot was with cool air temps and an almost perfect "tuna chop"...2 minutes after start fishing whistle blew I had the first runoff---a nice blue shark--yep, that started it, another day & night with the blue dogs. First afternoon's drift in 65*+ water produced a 40# yellow & a 60# bird. We finished the drift @ evening and Bob took us to an anchor spot for the night in 66* water. Other than the blues, 1 60# bird boated and a sword pup released. Wind died to "light and variable" with an almost glassy sea on long period ocean swells. Porpoise showed throughout the night along with the catchable squid, a couple of free-swimming mahi, some ballyhoo type fish and a few Portuguese Man-of-war jellyfish drifted by. Morning and early afternoon produced more yellows and birds for a total catch of 21 tuna---8 longfin, 13 yellowfin; all longfin were 50-65# (big 'n round), yellowfin were all 35-45# (fat 'n tender). About half the tuna were on jigs---more than half the yellowfin were on jigs. After the sun was full up, the breeze gradually increased to a South wind with some 7-8' shorter period swells making for a very bumpy ride in 'til we were about an hour out. Looks like the tuna are finally here if we can just get out there with a weather window. Kudos to Capt. Bob for the call & 2nd Capt.'s Greg, Todd and mates Nico & Jill(chef & office manager). Congrats to her for her first jigged tuna...well done!
Bob has one more unscheduled trip--a 24hr leaving next Wednesday night 8:00, returning Thursday night 8:00 ---weather permitting and enough guys sign on for the trip. I'm going, how about you???

11-09-2019, 09:07 AM
I was also on the 36 hour trip. Great Crew, Great Boat. Ended up with a large longfin and 3 Blue dogs. Almost every bait I put down was hit by something. I believe I had two sword runoffs without success. One crazy long run almost spooled me. cranked down on the drag and gone. Still an exciting 15 min battle. Never slowed or turned. Great time out there. Considering the trip next week if the weather cooperates. If you have yet to catch a tuna, Now is the time.

11-09-2019, 10:16 AM
NOAA was mostly spot on with forecast for this trip...Ride out to our spot was with cool air temps and an almost perfect "tuna chop"...2 minutes after start fishing whistle blew I had the first runoff---a nice blue shark--yep, that started it, another day & night with the blue dogs. First afternoon's drift in 65*+ water produced a 40# yellow & a 60# bird. We finished the drift @ evening and Bob took us to an anchor spot for the night in 66* water. Other than the blues, 1 60# bird boated and a sword pup released. Wind died to "light and variable" with an almost glassy sea on long period ocean swells. Porpoise showed throughout the night along with the catchable squid, a couple of free-swimming mahi, some ballyhoo type fish and a few Portuguese Man-of-war jellyfish drifted by. Morning and early afternoon produced more yellows and birds for a total catch of 21 tuna---8 longfin, 13 yellowfin; all longfin were 50-65# (big 'n round), yellowfin were all 35-45# (fat 'n tender). About half the tuna were on jigs---more than half the yellowfin were on jigs. After the sun was full up, the breeze gradually increased to a South wind with some 7-8' shorter period swells making for a very bumpy ride in 'til we were about an hour out. Looks like the tuna are finally here if we can just get out there with a weather window. Kudos to Capt. Bob for the call & 2nd Capt.'s Greg, Todd and mates Nico & Jill(chef & office manager). Congrats to her for her first jigged tuna...well done!
Bob has one more unscheduled trip--a 24hr leaving next Wednesday night 8:00, returning Thursday night 8:00 ---weather permitting and enough guys sign on for the trip. I'm going, how about you???

Thanks for the report. If anyone deserves a good Tuna trip its YOU. Gambler is a great operation from top to bottom and your passion for these tuna trips is admirable to say the least. I hope you get out again and you , Capt Bob and entire Gambler crew have success. Nice Job

Pennsy Guy
11-09-2019, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the report. If anyone deserves a good Tuna trip its YOU. Gambler is a great operation from top to bottom and your passion for these tuna trips is admirable to say the least. I hope you get out again and you , Capt Bob and entire Gambler crew have success. Nice Job

Dales, thanks for that...I'm kinda' like Sandro on the .com...if I could, I'd live out there...problem is the lunch barge doesn't make year-round deliveries...LOL Hopefully we'll make one more trip to wrap up the year's tuna fishing.