View Full Version : Weekend wrap up on the Roman' Round

Roman' Round Charters
11-03-2019, 08:03 PM
Saturday hosted Cody, Andrew, Mike, Brian, Frank and Uncle Pud for some Striper/Tog fishing. After an hour of trolling around the quickly growing parking lot of boats on the Striper grounds we beat feat to the Tog ground. Better decision, took a few wiggles to get em going but managed to box up pretty quick and play c and r for the rest of the day.
Sunday we tried jigging bass for hours. Trolling was outlawed by our crew.
Landed one early and chased birds for hours until we decided to go black fishing.
On our way to the rough bottom we started reading fish and I talked to crew into pulling mojos.
We boxed up and sent many back.
Stopped on the mountains for tog and had a steady bite of shorts with some keepers for dinner.
Thx Ryan and crew for allowing me to troll and catch fish. Seems the only way we can catch them lately.
Check out the open boat/charter forum for our available dates.