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View Full Version : Fishermen/friday update

11-01-2019, 08:05 AM
Sadly, we haven't been out since Monday. Crappy weather all week kept the customers home.

Fishing finally turned on in our backyard with shorts, slots & keepers coming in, unfortunately, we sat at the dock.

This week I had plenty of time to reflect on the early 2000's and how the times have changed. Back then when the bass run was on, I'd get to the boat at 5:30am, there would already be 20 guys in their spot all ready to go!

Didn't matter if it was blowing 20 out of the NE, Cold or Rainy, the guys were here to fish. The Nastiest weather always produced the best Bass fishing, that's were the Fishing in the Snot reports started for me. Guys actually waited to hear it was going to blow. Today, the bones can't take the beating anymore and Most of those guys are long gone now.

At 5:30 in the morning if there are 2 customers on the boat it's a lot. Most show up from 7am on, thank god they still show up!

The unreal Clam bite we had in early Spring is now non-excistant. Sharks have taken over the ocean making the eel fishing very tough with the exception of when the water gets very cold, usually by then, we are done.

For us we are looking for a Jig bite, that short window of opportunity when a customer can actually catch something. Seems to me Trolling has become the everyday fishery, the invention of the Mojo has made the average Joe a Bass master.....If only they were smaller and could be cast of my boat!!

Tomorrows another day, we will be back at it over the weekend.

Capt. Ron

11-01-2019, 08:21 AM
Hey Captain...they do make smaller 2 ounce castable mojo's.

11-01-2019, 08:45 AM
Just sent you a PM on those Mojos Capt Ron :D

11-01-2019, 09:24 AM
Hey Captain...they do make smaller 2 ounce castable mojo's.
Thanks, gonna check them out today, if I can find them

shrimpman steve
11-01-2019, 09:49 AM
I remember those days. I’d be in the lot at midnight and wait for Archie or ms gold to pull in so I’d have some one to talk to. The good ole days. I miss them too Ron.

11-01-2019, 10:57 AM
They make castable mojos in 2 and 4 ounce models. I have both sizes in white & chartreuse.