View Full Version : GAMBLER— Wednesday/Thursday and Friday/Saturday Canyon Report

10-27-2019, 11:34 AM
**36 hour trip Weds/Thurs**

The Gambler left for the deep blue on Weds morning. Bumpy seas for the first few hours.

We started by catching some mahi on bait and lures. It was good fishing on mixed sizes.

Around 5PM, the Gambler set anchor in 600 ft, at the corner of the canyon in a good temp break.

Through the night, we had more mahi swim into our chunk slick and landed a good pair of swordfish. No tunas till the morning when we landed a 40lb yellowfin.

The weather got really good and we marked plenty of fish on the finder from the surface down to 200+ feet. However, they did not bite as good as we saw them. We averaged a hook-up every 30 minutes or so, landing only a few of those. We lost more tuna than we caught this time. The yellowfin were 30 to 60lbs. But we just didn't catch enough of them.

Turned out to be a beautiful day.

Still plenty of fish out there and we are looking forward to our next few trips.

We still have room on our Monday trip and our 36 hour trip, leaving 8AM on Oct 30 and 8AM on Nov 6th.

** 24 hour Fri/Sat report**

The Gambler went back out Friday afternoon. Friday 3pm -Saturday 3pm. We arrived to the tuna grounds just before 9pm.

Weather permitted for perfect drifting conditions. Capt Mike started a drift on on the edge that took us to the deep. Despite the great conditions we had no takers.

We settled on a spot and anchored just after midnight anticipating the sunrise bite. We did manage a nice swordfish in the dark.

We had our first bite around 7:30am and continued catching until we left the grounds around 10AM. Both jigs and bait were successful.

We mostly had yellowfin from 40-70lbs and a handful of big longfin also hit our decks.

It was a successful trip for most. Patience definitely payed off for those that were at the rail in the morning. Unfortunately we left them biting. Which means more for us to catch our last few trips.