View Full Version : Gambler --Canyon-- Striped Bass --Offshore Sea Bass

10-21-2019, 07:52 PM
The Gambler had back-to-back sucessful canyon trips this weekend. Customers caught a diverse size range of yellowfin, from 20lbs to 90lbs. There was also a 250lb swordfish caught on Saturday's trip and a 150lber caught on Sunday's.

Edwin Ortiz was out with a couple buddies yesterday and they caught quite a mix of tuna, mahi, swordfish and golden tilefish.

The fishing was sporadic in the dark but actually got better during the daylight hours. At times through the trips, we went a couple hours without seeing much, but other times, had as many as 4 on at once.

The key, as always, is to be perpared and put your time in at the rail. No telling when the fish will come through.

There is a vast amount of life out there right now, with surface temps up to 70F. Besiides the tuna, swords, mahi and tilefish, we are also catching squid, mackerel, skipjacks and barjacks. We also saw blue sharks and makos.

There is still room on these upcoming canyon trips: please check our website with the latest availability. We may add one or two more trips into November if the conditions and fishing cooperate.

Our daily Striper trips will beging on Nov 1st, fishing everyday from 7:30 till 2:30 --except Oct 6 and 7th, which are scheduled for canyon fishing!

The Gambler has just posted our Offshore Sea Bass schedule for Dec --check out the dates!