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View Full Version : Golden Eagle - ALBACORE & BONITO

10-18-2019, 03:55 PM
We caught some ALBACORE and BONITO today. We tried every which way to entice these STRIPERS to bite but they just weren’t in a chewing mood. We could see them rip through the bunkers several times. We tried artificial bait and livelining but we couldn’t convince them to bite. We did see them so they are around and tomorrow is another day.

It was a lot windier out here than they said it was going to be so maybe the conditions had something to do with it. It is supposed to be a gorgeous day tomorrow so we will be back at it in the morning.

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails every day for STRIPERS & BLUES at 7:30 am from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.

For more information visit us at
www.goldeneaglefishing.com or call 732-681-6144.

See you onboard.

Blind Squirrel
10-19-2019, 12:14 PM
Were the bonito camera-shy? :eek: